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MHS students return to barbershop
Times photo: Brenda Steurer The Monroe High school 15-member Barbershop Chorus, which was organized at the beginning of the school year, will perform with other barbershop groups at the Green County Harmony Chorus annual show March 14. Pictured: First row, from left, Sean Jorgenson, Eric Grau, Reuben Arnold, Dylan Cleaveland, Ian Geyer. Second row, from left, Beau Karalis, Mack Brunker, Michael Storey, Peter Kelly, Aaron Peterson, Keenan Minogue and Brickson Schwenn. Not pictured: Tyler Moser, Eli Rucker and Eric Ganshert. Order photo
MONROE - There probably isn't a parent or a person over 40 who hasn't shaken their heads when they hear some of the music kids listen to today. Heavy metal rock bands that make so much noise it's hard to believe they aren't playing chainsaws; hip-hop music with the bass turned up so high it sounds like the windows in the car will break; barbershop music with harmonies sung by a group of teens ...

Wait a minute: Barbershop?

The songs associated with men in striped vests, white pants and straw hats singing at county fairs and in old movies about the 1920s?

Yep, that's what a group of Monroe High School students are singing these days.

The 15-member barbershop chorus organized at the beginning of the school year and their talents have become quite well-known throughout the school.

They've sung the "Star Spangled Banner" at basketball games and received lots of compliments for their ability, Judy Bennett, their musical director, said. The group sports a distinguished look in their black pants, black shirts and gray vests, Bennett added.

In addition, the boys have practiced such standard favorites as "My Wild Irish Rose" and "Good Night Ladies," among other popular barbershop songs.

"We'll sing anywhere," senior Peter Kelly said. "Weddings, birthday parties ..."

"At the dentist when you're getting a tooth pulled," someone in the group added as everyone laughed.

The idea for a barbershop chorus has been around for a few years, sophomore Aaron Peterson said.

"When I was in seventh grade we did the play ...'The Music Man' and I started to like this kind of music," he said.

So that's where it started: A group of kids who would rather sing than hang around in pool halls causing trouble in River City. (Just a quick reference to see how many people saw "The Music Man.")

"A couple of us seniors talked about it last year. We've got a strong group of guys and we decided to start this year," Kelly said.

What started with just a couple of students continued to grow until a dozen boys found themselves in a chorus.

"Since we've got such a great group we decided it would be a great opportunity," senior Reuben Arnold said.

The group, comprised of Arnold, Kelly, Peterson; juniors Eric Grau, Michael Storey, Mack Brunker, and Beau Karalis; seniors Keenan Minogue, Brickson Schwenn and Sean Jorgenson; and sophomores Ian Geyer, Dylan Cleaveland, Eric Ganshert, Eli Rucker and Tyler Moser, will perform for the Monroe Theatre Guild's annual meeting at 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the Stage Building and also plans to perform with other barbershop groups at the Green County Harmony Chorus annual show March 14. In addition, they will perform at the high school concert March 10 and again May 14.

Peterson even suggested the group hire itself out at Valentine's Day to perform "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" to make the day even more special for people. It would be a good way to raise money, he said.

Bennett hopes the barbershop group will continue to be a staple at the school for years to come.

"Even if there's only four guys you could still have a quartet," Kelly said.