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Marti ordered to pay $10K
Monroe resident Delores Marti, 78, speaks with her attorney, Amanda Fields, during a hearing Friday at the Green County Justice Center. Marti was ordered to pay $10,000 in the hoarding case. To order this photo, click here. (Times photo: Marissa Weiher)
MONROE - Fifty cats that were seized from a Monroe home on Monday were surrendered to the Green County Humane Society on Friday, the same day the residence was ordered to be destroyed.

The cats' owner, Delores Marti, 78, appeared in Green County Circuit Court Friday and agreed to transfer ownership of the animals to the Green County Humane Society. She was also ordered to pay $10,000 to the city as reimbursement for money allotted to the humane society to care for the cats.

In all, 50 live cats were found in the brick home at 1106 19th St. Investigators also found 42 dead cats in the dwelling, including 35 kittens and six adults that were discovered in a freezer.

Marti did not speak at the hearing, nor did she comment afterward.

This is the fourth animal hoarding incident involving Marti in Monroe. In October 2009, she was found keeping 51 cats between two homes she owned in Monroe. The city was also involved in animal hoarding incidents in June 2012 and August 2013 against Marti.

Under Monroe code, no more than three cats are allowed in any one home within city limits.

Also Friday, Monroe Building Inspector Ryan Lindsey ordered Marti's residence to be razed.

The order says "the home is so far badly damaged and deteriorated that the environment inside is dangerous, unsafe and unsanitary making it unfit for human habitation, occupancy or use," the city said in a news release. Marti was notified Friday she has 30 days to raze the building.

The assessed value of Marti's residence is $75,600, according to a City of Monroe news release. The cost to repair the home is estimated at $63,500 and exceeds the threshold by which a condemned building can be restored under state law.

Should Marti fail to remove the building, including its foundation, and all debris within 30 days, the city will do so, with the cost assessed against the property.

Green County Circuit Judge Thomas Vale said the payment and animal transfer was an appropriate resolution to the case and approved it without deliberation.

Assistant City Attorney Craig Nolen said the animals would be "disposed of" as the humane society sees fit, which will likely include adoption within the community. However, one cat found at the residence had to be euthanized due to its poor heath.

The cats were discovered after a citizen reported a foul smell coming from the building. Initially, nearly 50 live and dead cats were found in the residence Monday, but Monroe Police officers found 42 dead cats and two more live ones Thursday after executing a search warrant at the residence.