MONROE - The Monroe Public Library will host the 18th annual Tree-Trimming Party from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 23 at the library, 925 16th Ave. The program is recommended for children ages 3 and up with their parents, grandparents or other caring adults.
The Tree-Trimming Party is held each year to make ornaments for the tree that decorates the library's Children's Room. The theme for the 2013 Tree-Trimming party is "Tropical Holiday." Ornaments will include Rudolph Gator, Snowman on Vacation, Polly Holiday, Sweet Treat Pineapple, Holly Jolly Nai's (dolphin), Sandy Snowflake and Aloha Leis.
Children are welcome to stop by the Cookie Corner for cookies and punch during the party.
About 50 dozen cookies are needed to serve the crafters. Donations of homemade cookies or bars can be dropped off at the library on Friday, Nov. 22 or after 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 23.
VolunTEEN elves, middle school students, will be available to lend a helping hand and assist children in making their ornaments.
The free Tree-Trimming Party is open to the public. For more information, contact the youth services department at 608-328-7010.
The Tree-Trimming Party is held each year to make ornaments for the tree that decorates the library's Children's Room. The theme for the 2013 Tree-Trimming party is "Tropical Holiday." Ornaments will include Rudolph Gator, Snowman on Vacation, Polly Holiday, Sweet Treat Pineapple, Holly Jolly Nai's (dolphin), Sandy Snowflake and Aloha Leis.
Children are welcome to stop by the Cookie Corner for cookies and punch during the party.
About 50 dozen cookies are needed to serve the crafters. Donations of homemade cookies or bars can be dropped off at the library on Friday, Nov. 22 or after 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 23.
VolunTEEN elves, middle school students, will be available to lend a helping hand and assist children in making their ornaments.
The free Tree-Trimming Party is open to the public. For more information, contact the youth services department at 608-328-7010.