Memorial Day parade squads
In Squad 1: Jim Moser, Elva Hermanson, Ernie Steinmann, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 217, GSA Troop 265.
In Squad 2: Neal Schwartz, Mike Furgal, Deb Hendrickson, Cindi Schwartz, BSA Troop 180, GSA Troop 204.
In Squad 3: Ernie Gebhardt Jr., Don Jacobson, Joyce Steinmann, Roger Wuthrich, BSA Troop 115, GSA Troop 235.
In Squad 3A: Ken Gratz, James Dahman, Lorraine Schumacher, BSA Troop 115, GSA Troop 223 and BSA Troop 114.
In Squad 3B: Charles Soddy, Jerry Boelke, Susan Boelke, Le Ann Anderson, Dean Anderson, BSA Troop 115, GSA Troop 193.
In Squad 4: George Schuette, Jeff Gibbons, Jane Gibbons, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 208.
In Squad 5: Vicky Haffele, Gladys Schild, Bill Schwaiger, Roger Zimmerman, Jean Zimmerman, BSA Troop 180, GSA Troop 206.
In Squad 6: Herb Baumgartner, Jeff Perkins, Karen Kennison, Cindi LaMunion, BSA Troop 115, GSA Troop 235.
In Squad 7: Greg Schmitz, John Daehlin, Janet Thompson, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 225, GSA Troop 278.
In Squad 8: Chuck Drnek, Fritz Wenger, Rosie Wenger, BSA Troop 180, GSA Troop 204.
In Squad 9: Marty Betts, Susan Betts, Carla Pederson, Marian Furgal, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 203.
In Squad 10: Tim Dillon, Kathy Kuebli, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 213, BSA Troop 112.
In Squad 11: Jim Curran, Katie Grossman, Jo Ann Schwitz, Sandy Groom, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 228.
In Squad 13: Alvie Riese, Jan Perry, Rosemarye Showers, BSA Troop 101, GSA Troop 229, GSA Troop 222.
In Squad 14: Donna Douglas, Robert Koch, Gene Dobbins, BSA Troop 180, GSA Troop 250.
Starting at 7 a.m., members of the American Legion and V.F.W. squads will gather at the monument at Greenwood Cemetery to decorate each veteran's grave. The squads will be assisted by Monroe area Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops in placing 1,600 memorial wreaths assembled by the Scout troops recently.
Monroe's Memorial Day parade will take place at 9 a.m. The parade will be re-routed from previous years due to street construction in the area. This year, parade units will assemble at the Hope Evangelical Free Church parking lot, 2902 13th St. Parade participants are requested to be at the parking lot at 8:30 a.m.
The designated route will leave the church parking lot and travel one block west on 13th Street and turn onto 28th Avenue and go south to 18th Street and continue to the monument at Greenwood Cemetery for the Memorial Day Service.
Father Larry Bakke will give the invocation, followed by "Logan's Orders" by Anna Jenson and the "Gettysburg Address" by Caleb Paget. The Monroe High School band will provide music.
Green County Circuit Court Judge James Beer will deliver the Memorial Day address, followed by the roll call of deceased veterans this past year by George Wells.
Placing of the memorial wreaths will be done by Daisy, Brownie and Girl Scouts. The American Legion Poppy Princess Kendyll Kuebli, Monroe American Legion Post No 84 and Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2312 will place wreaths at the monument, followed by the Auxiliary presidents.
The Memorial Day service will conclude with Taps played by the MHS band and the benediction.
A potluck dinner will be served at noon at the American Legion Post Home, 1627 12th Ave., following the memorial service.
Members of both posts are looking for help to take down the Avenue of Flags at 3 p.m. Monday.