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July 1 filing deadline for electronic RETRs
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MADISON - The Department of Revenue (DOR) issued a reminder that real estate transfer returns (RETR) must be filed electronically effective July 1. The change is part of 2007 Act 219, signed by Governor Jim Doyle on April 7, 2008. Since the legislation was enacted, the e-file rate for RETRs has climbed to 60 percent.

Electronically filed returns provide more accurate and complete data than paper returns, and can be processed more quickly. Housing the data in a secure electronic environment strengthens the protection of confidential taxpayer information.

DOR is required to share the information on the returns with municipal assessors, county officials and other state agencies. The legislation gave DOR the authority to provide the data to the public free of charge with the exception of personal information such as social security numbers, in addition to requiring that all returns be filed electronically. E-filing waivers will be granted in certain circumstances.

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