JUDA - Juda physics students are asking local businesses and community members to help fund their vision of a green school.
The 2011-12 Juda physics class started the green energy system project at the school. It was a year-long project incorporated into the physics class.
The project consisted of research, reports, studies, project bids and studies and timelines. The students' assessment determined that a 24-panel roof-mounted solar array was the best fit for the school with a price of about $25,000. The students gathered bids from multiple suppliers, checked and organized permits, completed an energy audit and updated project progress to the school board, among other tasks.
"Like many green projects, the payback was just too high to immediately proceed without some additional funds," said Scott Anderson, high school math and physics instructor.
"This will change how Juda's students think about energy and power; it will also change the culture of our students with respect to energy," Anderson said.
Working with the selected solar supplier, Synergy Renewable Systems of Oregon, the school received a grant from Focus on Energy. The $3,755 grant helped clear a big hurdle towards the additional funding the project needed. Synergy also donated a $2,000 labor credit, and some funding has come from student organizations.
The goal is to get enough funding so the project is able to proceed during the summer prior to the start of school.
For more information or to help fund the project, visit www.judaschool.com.
The 2011-12 Juda physics class started the green energy system project at the school. It was a year-long project incorporated into the physics class.
The project consisted of research, reports, studies, project bids and studies and timelines. The students' assessment determined that a 24-panel roof-mounted solar array was the best fit for the school with a price of about $25,000. The students gathered bids from multiple suppliers, checked and organized permits, completed an energy audit and updated project progress to the school board, among other tasks.
"Like many green projects, the payback was just too high to immediately proceed without some additional funds," said Scott Anderson, high school math and physics instructor.
"This will change how Juda's students think about energy and power; it will also change the culture of our students with respect to energy," Anderson said.
Working with the selected solar supplier, Synergy Renewable Systems of Oregon, the school received a grant from Focus on Energy. The $3,755 grant helped clear a big hurdle towards the additional funding the project needed. Synergy also donated a $2,000 labor credit, and some funding has come from student organizations.
The goal is to get enough funding so the project is able to proceed during the summer prior to the start of school.
For more information or to help fund the project, visit www.judaschool.com.