JUDA - In a meeting Jan. 13, the Juda school board:
Heard from district resident Aaron Steinmann about concerns raised about the proposed spending on the referendum. He presented the board with a petition signed by 61 residents.
Approved the school calendar for the 2016-17 school year.
Approved staffing for the 2016-17 school year and authorized Traci Davis to explore the hiring of a Tech Ed Instructor.
Approved an initial resolution authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds or promissory notes not to exceed $5.7 million.
Approved a resolution to exceed the district's revenue cap commencing with the 2016-17 school year by an amount of $150,000.
Approved a resolution providing for a referendum election on the questions of the approval of an initial resolution authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $5.7 million and the approval of a resolution to exceed the district's revenue cap commencing with the 2016-17 school year by an amount of $150,000.
Heard that Odyssey of the Mind will be held March 19; the new school website is up and running; and solo and ensemble competition will be held at the school on February 20.
Recognized Adult School Crossing Guard Week as Jan. 11-16.
Heard from Mary Larson that the STEM competition will be held on Jan. 27. Larson will also be writing another Monsanto Grant.
Approved policy 884, Public Complaints about School Personnel
Approved setting no limit for the coming school year for open enrollment.
Approved a resolution to support the writing of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDEC) Fabrication Laboratory Grant (Fab Lab)
Took no action coming out of closed session.
Heard from district resident Aaron Steinmann about concerns raised about the proposed spending on the referendum. He presented the board with a petition signed by 61 residents.
Approved the school calendar for the 2016-17 school year.
Approved staffing for the 2016-17 school year and authorized Traci Davis to explore the hiring of a Tech Ed Instructor.
Approved an initial resolution authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds or promissory notes not to exceed $5.7 million.
Approved a resolution to exceed the district's revenue cap commencing with the 2016-17 school year by an amount of $150,000.
Approved a resolution providing for a referendum election on the questions of the approval of an initial resolution authorizing issuance of general obligation bonds or promissory notes in an amount not to exceed $5.7 million and the approval of a resolution to exceed the district's revenue cap commencing with the 2016-17 school year by an amount of $150,000.
Heard that Odyssey of the Mind will be held March 19; the new school website is up and running; and solo and ensemble competition will be held at the school on February 20.
Recognized Adult School Crossing Guard Week as Jan. 11-16.
Heard from Mary Larson that the STEM competition will be held on Jan. 27. Larson will also be writing another Monsanto Grant.
Approved policy 884, Public Complaints about School Personnel
Approved setting no limit for the coming school year for open enrollment.
Approved a resolution to support the writing of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDEC) Fabrication Laboratory Grant (Fab Lab)
Took no action coming out of closed session.