MONROE - Green County is under an outdoor burning ban.
The Green County Fire Chiefs Association issued the ban Thursday "due to current weather and drought conditions," according to a news release from the Green County Sheriff's Department.
The ban prohibits burning fence rows and trash in open barrels. Also forbidden are recreational fires, such as campfires or bonfires. The ban covers the entire county.
The ban does not include fires in approved containers, grills or fireplaces.
The ban is in effect until further notice.
The Green County Fire Chiefs Association issued the ban Thursday "due to current weather and drought conditions," according to a news release from the Green County Sheriff's Department.
The ban prohibits burning fence rows and trash in open barrels. Also forbidden are recreational fires, such as campfires or bonfires. The ban covers the entire county.
The ban does not include fires in approved containers, grills or fireplaces.
The ban is in effect until further notice.