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Green County Historical Society: Winter on the Square, 1908
Photo supplied by the Green County Historical Society
The Green County Historical Society is in possession of many photos of the area, with a large portion from the downtown area. This photo, taken by Will E. Trukenbrod after a snowstorm on Feb. 18, 1908, shows a portion of the east side of the Square. The building shown on the left recently housed the Ink Well, while the right side of the photo shows a portion of the Martin's Sporting Goods building. The building that now houses Chocolate Temptation housed Walker's Cigar Store on the right side of the main level and Dr. F. F. Peters (osteopath) and Dr. M. J. Newman (dentist) on the second level. The Schultz Pharmacy building housed Trukenbrod's Pharmacy. The W. F. Zilmer jewelry store building now houses Vapor Company. The building that now houses Bartels & Co. Tap and Tia's Mexican Grill is the oldest building on the east side of the Square. The upstairs housed the law office of Thomas Luchsinger and the upholstery shop run by Sylvester Belveal. The entrances into the shops have been changed much while the top parts of the buildings have had minimal changes. Many of these storefronts can be seen in "A Glimpse Back in Time," published by GCHS in 2010. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Figi at 325-6503 or