This view looking northeast from the corner of 15th Avenue and 11th Street shows the city parking lot in the mid-1960s, before the parking ramp was built. The white building, part of what can be seen on the right, housed Loewi & Co. Inc. Behind that and across the alley are the backs of Swiss Colony Store and Swiss Colony Inn (with a back porch on the main level), Spurgeon's (with the windows bricked over) and more buildings on the west side of the store. The backs of Gempeler's Tire Shop and the Montgomery Ward farm store also are shown. The tall building in the background is part of the original Monroe Clinic. All photos in the Green County Historical Society are available for purchase for a nominal fee. Contact Matt Figi at 608-325-6503 or with any questions or to purchase prints.
Green County Historical Society: Monroe parking lot, mid-1960s