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Green County Historical Society: Celebrating Our Past
As the local farmers are finishing the harvest of their crops for this year, the photo this week shows an old

tractor with steel wheels pulling a threshing machine. The photo, from the collection of Ella Beach Burington, was taken on Aug. 22, 1934 on the Jesse Beach farm, now owned by Jesse's grandson, Paul Beach, just south of Melvin Road on Honey Creek Road. The Green County Historical Society is always in search of farming

photographs from any era for use in future publications. An upcoming publication, Monroe Area Pictorial History, will include more photographs of Monroe history as well as photos from the rural area including country stores, farming, rural schools, and cheese making. If you have any photographs that the Society might copy and

consider including in their publications, contact Matt Figi at 325-6503 or (Photo supplied by the Green County Historical Society)