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Green County fair goes for 'user-friendly'
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MONROE - The 2015 Green County Fair will bring some new changes while keeping some of the past years' favorites.

The Green County Fair will be from July 22 to July 26, a week later than usual. This year's fair will also include different events each day to incorporate all age groups.

"We're trying to make it user-friendly," Green County Fair's office manager Stephanie Miranda said.

The goal is to make each day focused on a different segment of the population. Saturday will be focused on family and youth with events including the National Tug-O-War Championship Pull, Master Showman competition, and new to the fair, the Wisconsin Law Mowers Racing Association at the Grandstand.

"(The race) will be really fun to watch," Miranda said.

This year will also feature an extra day to allow people who are working during fair hours to stop by and get lunch. Between 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m., visitors can pay $10 to get in and get their money back when they leave at the end of their lunch hour - a program fair organizers say has been a huge success in past years.

"The demand for the extra day was there," Miranda said.

In the past, the fair only allowed people to do that on Wednesday and Thursday and now people can go on Friday, she said.

"Food venders really appreciate the extra business," Miranda said.

This year's headliner on Friday will be rising country music star Craig Campbell with the Zac Matthews Band as the opening act. She said the Zac Matthews Band will be playing throughout the evening around the fairgrounds.

Miranda said there was a "demand to bring in a featured artist" which she believes will help bring increase attendance.

She also said with Campbell at the fair, the fair will be able to generate more money to maintain the facilitates around the fairgrounds.

"We're trying to make a great fair for the youths," she said.

The 2015 Green County Fair events include:

•Three Hills Rodeo at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 22 at the Grandstand.

•Badger State Tractor Pull at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 23 at the Grandstand. $5 Grandstand admission plus general fair admission.

•Craig Campbell with the Zac Matthews Band at 7 p.m. on Friday, July 24 at the Grandstand. $10 Grandstand admission plus general fair admission.

•Kid's Day: Free admissions to kids under 12 until 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 25. Saturday's events also include the National Tug-O-War Championship at 10 a.m.; Fur and Feather Auction; Youth Livestock Auction; Master Showman competition at 6 p.m.; free Horse Pull from 10 a.m. to noon at the Grandstand; Zoli's Woodcarving Auction at noon in the Hospitality tent; and the free Wisconsin Law Mower Racing Association at 7 p.m. at the Grandstand.

•Pioneer Day: $5 admissions for those who are 65 and older on Sunday, July 26. Sunday's events also include the Antique Tractor Pull from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.; the Cheese Auction and Dairy Youth Auction in the Hospitality Tent; and the Demolition Derby at 4 p.m. at the Grandstand. $10 Grandstand admission plus general fair admission.