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Getting around during Cheese Days
Times file photo Cheese Days comes to Monroe Sept. 19-21, and parking will be at a premium.
MONROE - Chief of Police Fred Kelley announces the following street closings and parking information for Cheese Days. Everyone's cooperation and patience is appreciated to insure a safe and enjoyable weekend.

• Spring Square parking lot closes at 5 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18. All vehicles must be moved for the carnival to set up on the site.

• Inside lane on the south side of the Square closes at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17, for stage set up.

• All other inside lanes of the Square close at 6 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 18.

• Outside lane of the north side of the Square closes 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 18, to set up a large tent in that lane. The east end of the 1500 block of 10th Street closes after 5 p.m. on Thursday to set up a large tent.

• All access to within one block of the Square will be closed at 5 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 19. The Square and blocks preceding will close on Friday morning and remain closed until Monday morning for concessions.

• 1600 block of 12th St., along south edge of Spring Square, closes at noon Friday, Sept. 19 through Sunday evening, Sept. 21. Parking restricted in the 1200 block of 16th Avenue starting at noon Friday, Sept. 19.

• Children's parade leaves Monroe Middle School at 5:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 19, travels to the east side of Square (17th Avenue) to Ninth Street past Stop N Go and back south on 16th Avenue to the middle school.

• Following the children's parade, the 1500 block of 12th Street and the 1200 block of 16th Avenue will be closed and remain closed until 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 21. This area is open for motorcycle parking for the weekend.

• The Square remains closed until Monday morning when outside lanes will open to business traffic; inside lanes remain closed until all items are removed.

• South half of the 900 block of 15th Avenue closed from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday as part of the Antique Tractor Show.

• Arts and crafts fair held in middle school area Saturday and Sunday; 1600 block of 15th Street closed during daytime hours with barricades; 16th Avenue in the area posted for no parking.

• Farmer's Market is expected to be open as usual on Saturday and Sunday, area south of the Middle School.

• Cheese Days Chase 5K-10K Fun Run and 2 mile Walk begins at 9 a.m. Saturday on the Square. Police traffic control on and along route; motorists should expect delays on/along the route.

• Several special no parking zones effective on Sunday in and around the fairgrounds area and will be posted.

• The entire Cheese Days Parade Route will be posted and must be clear of all vehicles Sunday morning. Expect the parade to move on to 10th Street from the fairgrounds to the area of 24th Avenue shortly after noon and be held there for line-up; leaves for Square about 12:30 p.m. and arrives on south side of Square at 12:45 p.m. The parade route on Sunday will be shut down for all traffic prior to noon, vehicles will not be allowed to operate across or on the route after that time.

• Special handicapped parking areas have been set up at East School Park, in the Wisconsin Community Bank lot, located on the north side of the Stop-N-Go store, including some van accessible stalls. The north parking and the lot near the ramp will be available all weekend. Vehicles must display an authorized handicapped permit to park in these areas.

• Large crowds are expected. Sunday traffic and parking limitations severe; congestion will exist. Plan ahead and allow extra travel time.

• Due to the nature of the event and Monroe City Code, no other activities, including vending, other than those sanctioned by Green County Cheese Days Inc. are permitted within those areas granted by permit for the control of the event.

• New this year, on Friday and Saturday, there will be open plastic containers of beer or wine allowed on the cordoned off area of the Square from noon to 11 p.m. and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday. Watch for signs indicating the allowed area and the times of operation.

Persons should be aware that outside of the special designated area, there is no other relaxation of the existing City of Monroe open container ordinances during this event. City Code prohibits persons, other than with special permit, from being in possession of any alcohol beverage in any open container while in or upon any public street, sidewalk, alley, public way or area held out for public use. The ordinance will be enforced, municipal citations of about $248 will be issued. The department asks for voluntary compliance and use of caution in this activity; a little thought could save a person from embarrassment and expense.