MONROE — A family, including three children, are trying to pick up the pieces, after a fast-moving fire destroyed their mobile home, in the 100 block of North 20th Ave., last Thursday, January 9.
Flames flashed out of the windows and shot skyward as the structure and nearby garage burned early on a windy, winter afternoon, and before it was all over, the family and two dogs would get out safely, but a 3rd dog, was killed in the blaze, along with a pet guinea pig and some fish.
Kat Myers, 27, and her boyfriend lived in the trailer with Myer’s kids, ages 1,3 and 5. The couple, who rented the home from Myers’ mother, had gone to the trailer to defrost some frozen pipes using space heaters and a torpedo heater. But while the heaters started up — her boyfriend was outside with dogs and kids — flames broke out near a water heater and quickly spread to the walls and ceiling of the trailer; and eventually the wood-frame garage.
“We saw it and we said we need to get everybody out and call 911,” said Myers, who, with her family, has been staying at the Monroe Super 8 hotel since the fire.
Monroe fire crews were called to a “fully-engulfed trailer home” on North 20th Avenue Thursday afternoon, officials said, and the fire was intense for a brief period before it was knocked down and fully contained by about 2 p.m.
Black smoked filled the neighborhood and drifted in a great plume across nearby State Hwy. 11.
No one inside and no firefighters were injured in the blaze, but the family lost everything they owned, according to Myers.
The family spent Monday trying to find a new permanent home but it has not been easy, nor is it ideal to have all of them in a hotel room for a long stretch before finding a permanent place to rebuild their lives.
“We don’t know where we are going to go yet,” said Myers. “We are still out there looking.”
Community members are trying to help, and donations are being collected on the family’s behalf.
What does she need most?
“Anything helps,” she said. “Especially for my kids.”
And since they are in a hotel, they have little space for donated items. Thus, any donations, she said, can be dropped off at the Binder House — the house with the big, lighted Christmas displays each year — at W4710 Burkhalter Road in rural Monroe.
A GoFund Me page also has been set up, for anyone wishing to help with a monetary donation. So far, as of Monday afternoon, about $2,500 had been pledged of a $10,000 goal.
“There are 7 of us…we lost almost everything — heirlooms, mementoes, electronics, toys food and furniture,” the family said in the GoFund Me post.
“There are 7 of us … we lost almost everything — heirlooms, mementoes, electronics, toys food and furniture.”
— The Myers family in their GoFundMe bio