"This is something to move on," Chairman Dr. David Riese said. "The city is waiting for Main Street to do something."
Fehr-Graham's proposal ranked highest among board members from the five quotes submitted to the city.
Fehr-Graham "teamed up" with Mahan Rykiel Associates to put together the proposal. Mahan Rykiel Associates was involved with Arnett Muldrow & Associates, which did a survey of downtown and created a plan to revitalize it.
Fehr-Graham's link with Mahan Rykiel Associates was one of selling points for the board. Members also liked the fact Fehr-Graham is a local firm, with headquarters in Freeport, Ill., and an office in Monroe.
City Administrator Mark Vahlsing said the firm has "done a lot of work for the city already," and he always found the firm to be a "straightforward company" to work with.
Although the companies submitted quotes for all three phases of the downtown work, Vahlsing said each phase would be treated separately, allowing the city more flexibility in hiring. Phase I quotes produced the least variation among companies, he said.
Vahlsing and Director of Public Works Kelly Finkenbinder will be contacts for the firm and Monroe Main Street. Vahlsing said the proposals will need to go to the City Council and through "a couple of public hearings" before being approved. Fehr-Graham's quote and proposal must be sent to council by the Board of Public Works.
Funding for the work will come from a Tax Increment District, which needs approval from the Finance and Taxation Committee.
In other business, the board unanimously:
• Approved to recommend to council brown and gold way-finding signs for downtown. Signs on the outskirts will be taller than the ones downtown.
• Approved to recommend to the city a bike path lane on selected areas of 16th Avenue and 10th Street.
• Approved a request for financial support for the Monroe Chamber of Commerce and Industry Balloon Rally, with two stipulations. The board wants recognition of its sponsorship and a follow-up report of the event's budget.
• Recommended to the MMS Promotion Committee to review guidelines for the downtown events sign. Members felt the sign had become too crowded and difficult to read, and had lost its effectiveness.
• Approved MMS Director Barb Nelson to submit an application to Blackhawk Technical College for work-study site approval. The work-study program allows students to gain real-life work experience while being paid by school funding.
• Approved Vahlsing to visit a culinary center in New York next month. A report from Valhsing on his past visits to other culinary centers was postponed.