MADISON — The Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development (DWD) has published updated workforce profiles for Wisconsin’s 72 counties. Each profile provides county-level information, analysis, and data to help employers, job seekers, economic developers, and other workforce partners make decisions related to the labor market economy.
“Wisconsin’s labor market economy has been on a record-breaking roll, and yet employers are feeling anxious about their ability to fill jobs due to a labor quantity challenge that’s been driven by demographic trends decades in the making,” DWD Secretary-designee Amy Pechacek said. “ What sets Wisconsin apart from other states facing this challenge are our innovative approaches, including Gov. Evers’ $158 million Workforce Solutions Initiative, to invest in our homegrown talent and connect career seekers with good-paying opportunities. “To this end, the county workforce profiles provide an important resource for employers, community leaders, education providers, and other workforce partners in making decisions to stay competitive with local and regional talent attraction, retention and training efforts.”
Every two years, DWD’s Office of Economic Advisors compiles and distills local data on all 72 counties into individual county workforce profiles. The 2023 profiles cover Wisconsin’s historic bounce-back from the COVID-19 pandemic and feature:
● Updated U.S. Census data and changing demographics, including figures for major municipalities.
● Employment by 11 industry sectors, with payroll totals and percentages.
● Occupational patterns within industries.
● Unemployment and labor force participation rates.
● Barriers to employment.
● Average wages.
“The county workforce profiles reflect the expertise that our regional economists can offer employers, community leaders, education providers, and many other workforce partners to meet current and future workforce needs,” Secretary-designee Pechacek said. “We stand ready to support and advance local and regional efforts to grow the economy and support the workforce today and in years to come.”