MONROE — The Green County Board of Supervisors received the recommended budget from its finance committee Oct. 16, which looks to a decrease in the county’s general fund in order to meet the required net levy cap of just over $16.4 million.
A preliminary report was given by Finance Committee Chair Dennis Everson during the meeting held at Pleasant View Nursing Home, but no action will be considered until the next meeting on Nov. 13.
The actual operating costs for the county total over $20.7 million. In order to meet the required net tax levy of more than $16.4 million, the finance committee created a budget which uses just over $2.8 million from 2017 sales tax revenue. Another $1.48 million will be taken from the undesignated general fund.
Amounts excluded from the levy limit are just over $2 million in debt service, $50,000 for bridge and culvert repairs and library payments of over $460,000.
According to the plan, roughly $910,000 will be offset by contributions from county departments by the end of the year and the general fund will be reduced by nearly $573,000. The county is limited by the state budget, which requires that any increase in the levy be determined by net new construction within a municipality.
The 2019 amount exceeds 2018 by $692,000.
However, a 3 percent increase in property values within Green County helped shift the mill rate just slightly. Homeowners will be taxed $5.52 per $1,000 of equalized value in 2019, down from $5.53 in 2018. At the county level, residents with a $100,000 home would pay $552 in taxes.
The proposed budget also includes an additional $200,000 in revenue from a wheel tax implemented Aug. 1 meant to aid the improvement of county roads and bridges. Members of the committee also anticipated a successful referendum which asks county residents to levy $790,000 in additional funds to continue operation of the nursing home facility.