Eliasar Alba, 26, New Glarus, speeding, $160.80
Richard C. Alme, 56, Belleville, failure to stop at a stop sign, $129.30
Beadin Bedzeti, 45, Monroe, improper signal, $129.30
Cassandra L. Brown, 18, Brodhead, passing on a hill or curve, $150
Lindsay R. Callanan, 18, Antioch, Ill., speeding, $236.40
Melonie L. Carlus, 28, Hazel Green, open intoxicants, $186
Michael E. Cavin, 18, Albany, driving too fast for conditions, $1608.0
Ethan J. Cleary, 18, Brooklyn, speeding, $186
Stephen W. Dewedeit, 44, Brodhead, speeding, $160.80
Richard L. Detra II, 16, speeding, $160.80
Michael A. Dunlavy, 57, Browntown, speeding, $211
Brenda L. Erickson, 34, Blanchardville, drunken driving, $677
Elliot P. Faber, 21, New Glarus, equipment violation, $160.80
Elliot P. Faber, 21, New Glarus, driving after suspension, $186
Elliot P. Faber, 21, New Glarus, failure to notify police of an accident, $249
Joseph J. Fedele, 60, Madison, speeding, $160.80
Lane A. Herman, 34, Apple River, Ill., driving without a license, $186
Kyle J. Hittesdorf, 18, Hollandale, inattentive driving, $173.40
Owen S. Hoitomt, 59, speeding, $211.20
Johnny K. Hulbert, 54, Monticello, speeding, $186
Cari A. Jones, 40, speeding, $211.20
Joseph Kolenda Jr., Rockford, Ill., passing into oncoming traffic, $312
Carol J. Krupke, 62, Monroe, improper equipment, $135.60
Frederich J. Leonard, 52, Stoughton, speeding, $186
Francisco J. Lopez Alba, 36, New Glarus, driving without a license, $186
Francisco J. Lopez Alba, 36, New Glarus, speeding, $280.50
Lynn Lowe, 48, Orangeville, drunken driving, $677
Barton T. Mikulice, 29, Monroe, drunken driving, $677
Andrue E. Moen, 19, Argyle, failure to keep vehicle under control, $129.30
Ana M. Montano DeRamirez, 40, Beloit, driving without a license, $186
Samantha E. Murray, 28, Brodhead, driving after revocation, $249
Casey M. Parkinson, 25, Monroe, squealing tires, $249
Carl A. Pielmeier, 52, Darlington, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Brandon R. Pinnon, 41, Beloit, reckless driving, $312
Zoe A. Raymond, 30, Evansville, open intoxicants, $186
Jesus R. Reynoso Velderrain, 30, Fitchburg, driving after revocation, $186
Erles Sabic, 46, Waterloo, Iowa, speeding, $160.80
Tami S. Sather, 33, Janesville, speeding, $211.20
Douglas B. Scace, 38, Monroe, violating child safety restraint law, $135
Ryan E. Scheider, 25, Brodhead, driving after suspension, $186
Matthew W. Schneiderman, 37, German Valley, Ill., speeding, $160.80
David M. Schoen, 26, Germantown, speeding, $160.80
Timothy J. Schwartz, 23, Monroe, failure to notify DMV of address change, $129.30
Jesus Serrano, 43, Rogers, Ark., speeding, $211.20
Karen M. Smart, 41, Monticello, speeding, $211.2o
Chad W. Smith, 31, Monroe, speeding, $160.80
Edwin L. Smith, 52, Antioch, Ill., non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Dietmer Sosa-Vargas, 24, Holland, speeding, $160.80
Alan R. Thon, 26, Orfordville, speeding, $211.20
Miguel A. Vargas-Gamino, 20, covert, Mich., driving without a license, $186
Joseph C. Vespo, 21, New Glarus, speeding, $186
David C. Wake, 66, Monroe, improper signal, $160.80
Richard C. Alme, 56, Belleville, failure to stop at a stop sign, $129.30
Beadin Bedzeti, 45, Monroe, improper signal, $129.30
Cassandra L. Brown, 18, Brodhead, passing on a hill or curve, $150
Lindsay R. Callanan, 18, Antioch, Ill., speeding, $236.40
Melonie L. Carlus, 28, Hazel Green, open intoxicants, $186
Michael E. Cavin, 18, Albany, driving too fast for conditions, $1608.0
Ethan J. Cleary, 18, Brooklyn, speeding, $186
Stephen W. Dewedeit, 44, Brodhead, speeding, $160.80
Richard L. Detra II, 16, speeding, $160.80
Michael A. Dunlavy, 57, Browntown, speeding, $211
Brenda L. Erickson, 34, Blanchardville, drunken driving, $677
Elliot P. Faber, 21, New Glarus, equipment violation, $160.80
Elliot P. Faber, 21, New Glarus, driving after suspension, $186
Elliot P. Faber, 21, New Glarus, failure to notify police of an accident, $249
Joseph J. Fedele, 60, Madison, speeding, $160.80
Lane A. Herman, 34, Apple River, Ill., driving without a license, $186
Kyle J. Hittesdorf, 18, Hollandale, inattentive driving, $173.40
Owen S. Hoitomt, 59, speeding, $211.20
Johnny K. Hulbert, 54, Monticello, speeding, $186
Cari A. Jones, 40, speeding, $211.20
Joseph Kolenda Jr., Rockford, Ill., passing into oncoming traffic, $312
Carol J. Krupke, 62, Monroe, improper equipment, $135.60
Frederich J. Leonard, 52, Stoughton, speeding, $186
Francisco J. Lopez Alba, 36, New Glarus, driving without a license, $186
Francisco J. Lopez Alba, 36, New Glarus, speeding, $280.50
Lynn Lowe, 48, Orangeville, drunken driving, $677
Barton T. Mikulice, 29, Monroe, drunken driving, $677
Andrue E. Moen, 19, Argyle, failure to keep vehicle under control, $129.30
Ana M. Montano DeRamirez, 40, Beloit, driving without a license, $186
Samantha E. Murray, 28, Brodhead, driving after revocation, $249
Casey M. Parkinson, 25, Monroe, squealing tires, $249
Carl A. Pielmeier, 52, Darlington, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Brandon R. Pinnon, 41, Beloit, reckless driving, $312
Zoe A. Raymond, 30, Evansville, open intoxicants, $186
Jesus R. Reynoso Velderrain, 30, Fitchburg, driving after revocation, $186
Erles Sabic, 46, Waterloo, Iowa, speeding, $160.80
Tami S. Sather, 33, Janesville, speeding, $211.20
Douglas B. Scace, 38, Monroe, violating child safety restraint law, $135
Ryan E. Scheider, 25, Brodhead, driving after suspension, $186
Matthew W. Schneiderman, 37, German Valley, Ill., speeding, $160.80
David M. Schoen, 26, Germantown, speeding, $160.80
Timothy J. Schwartz, 23, Monroe, failure to notify DMV of address change, $129.30
Jesus Serrano, 43, Rogers, Ark., speeding, $211.20
Karen M. Smart, 41, Monticello, speeding, $211.2o
Chad W. Smith, 31, Monroe, speeding, $160.80
Edwin L. Smith, 52, Antioch, Ill., non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Dietmer Sosa-Vargas, 24, Holland, speeding, $160.80
Alan R. Thon, 26, Orfordville, speeding, $211.20
Miguel A. Vargas-Gamino, 20, covert, Mich., driving without a license, $186
Joseph C. Vespo, 21, New Glarus, speeding, $186
David C. Wake, 66, Monroe, improper signal, $160.80