Traffic Court
Green County
Paul Alan Bakko, 49, disturbing the peace, $263.50
Duane Jesse Beach, 95, Monroe, improper right turn, $175.30
Lisa Marie Beeman, 35, Beloit, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Randall A. Berg, 49, Argyle, seatbelt violation, $10
Alex Marshall Capesius, 22, Monroe, failing to keep vehicle under control, $213.10
Ashlee L. Cerjak, 26, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Benjamin Michael Chicker, 24, Monticello, driving while suspended, $200.50
Austin D. Colliers, 18, Monroe, possessing drug paraphernalia, $200.50
Austin D. Colliers, 18, Monroe, possessing marijuana, $389.50
John F. Daehlin, 77, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Alexa H. Dash, 20, Winslow, driving too fast for conditions, $213.10
Kenan Paige Durrance, 26, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Kenan Paige Durrance, 26, Monroe, failing to apply for Wisconsin license within 60 days, $162.70
Deontae S. Dye, 26, Freeport, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Helen E. Endres, 84, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Haleigh Jordan Falsey, 18, Argyle, driving while suspended, $200.50
Brandon J. Fischer, 29, Orangeville, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Brandon J. Fischer, 29, Orangeville, driving while suspended, $200.50
Matthew Ryan Fisher, 17, Brodhead, seatbelt violation, $10
Matthew Ryan Fisher, 17, Brodhead, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Kiley C. Flynn, 17, Winslow, curfew violation, $200.50
Marie J. Frandy, 60, Albany driving vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, driving without valid license, $200.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, contributing to truancy, $200.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, truancy, $263.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, contributing to truancy, $263.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Curtis John Gerber, 31, disorderly conduct, $326.50
Melissa L. Graven, 27, Monroe, disorderly conduct, $326.50
Faith M. Guerra, 17, Monroe, truancy, $200.50
Jessie L. Hanson, 34, Monroe, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Jessie L. Hanson, 34, Monroe, red traffic light violation, $200.50
Nicole E. Harding, 26, Monroe, driving while suspended, $200.50
Nicole E. Harding, 26, Monroe, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
James Min Jiang, 46, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Ryan Adam Johnson, 24, South Wayne, failing to keep vehicle under control, $213.10
Ryan Adam Johnson, 24, South Wayne, driving with a prohibited alcohol concentration, DOT license revoked nine months, ignition interlock, alcohol assessment, $950.50
Jace Michael Johnsrud, 21, Monroe, driving while suspended, $200.50
Jace Michael Johnsrud, 21, Monroe, driving vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Michael W. Kaderly, 46, Monroe, improper stop at stop sign-clear line, $175.30
Jessica Rose Keehn, 32, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Aaron B. Kesler, 18, Brodhead, possessing marijuana, $263.50
Todd J. Kint, 45, Monroe, vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Todd J. Kint, 45, Monroe, driving while suspended, $200.50
Todd J. Kint, 45, Monroe, driving after revocation/suspension of registration, $175.30
Jessica A. Kohl, 29, Gratiot, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Jeffrey S. Liner, 49, Elkhorn, speeding, $175.30
Jeffrey S. Liner, 49, Elkhorn, reckless driving, $389.50
Linda L. Longley, 49, Rockford, improper signal for stop/turn, $162.70
April L. Lutz, 32, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Dewayne Walter Moss, 27, Monroe, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Ashley R. Neuenschwander, 18, Monroe, possessing marijuana, $263.50
Ashley R. Neuenschwander, 18, Monroe, curfew violation, $200.50
William M. Osbaugh, 20, Monroe, possessing marijuana, $263.50
William M. Osbaugh, 20, Monroe, possessing drug paraphernalia, $200.50
Casey M. Parkinson, 31, Monroe, driving unregistered vehicle, $200.50
Lacey Lynn Pearson, 30, Monroe, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Tyler J. Peterson, 21, Monroe, excessive acceleration/ squealing of tires, $200.50
Tyler J. Peterson, 21, Monroe, improper/ prohibited tire equipment, $150.10
Shelby A. Pitman, 21, Monroe, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Caryl K. Plantikow, 72, Monroe, failing to yield right of way from stop sign, $175.30
Crystal M. Richards, 30, Brodhead, driving while suspended, $200.50
Brenda J. Ritschard, 52, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Kristi Michelle Rose, 30, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
David M. Rosebrook, 42, Argyle, failing to notify police of accident, $389.50
Travis R. Ruchti, 26, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Emily M. Rush, 31, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Emily M. Rush, 31, Monroe, driving vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Maria Del Salazar-Trujillo, 27, Linden, driving while suspended, $200.50
Maria Del Salazar-Trujillo, 27, Linden, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Alexander James Santoro, 18, Monroe, driving while suspended, DOT license revoked six months, $200.50
Erica N. Schmid, 32, Juda, non-registration of vehicle, $143.80
Briana Rae Schoville, 16, Monroe, speeding, $213.10
Briana Rae Schoville, 16, Monroe, failing to obey traffic officer signal/order, $175.30
Danielle M. Schwarz, 27, Brodhead, driving while suspended, $200.50
Danielle M. Schwarz, 27, Brodhead, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Laurel L. Teasdale, 43, Monroe, driving vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Laurel L. Teasdale, 43, Monroe, driving while suspended, $200.50
Jon L. Wagner, 70, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Chad R. Walmer, 41, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Taylor M. Watson, 21, Stockton, Ill., non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Brian J. Witt, 51, Cottage Grove, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Jennifer R. Wright, 24, Freeport, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Daniel D. Wyttenbach, 39, Blanchardville, speedometer violations , $175.30
Kamille Marie Zuehlke, 46, Albany, seatbelt violation, $10
Green County
Paul Alan Bakko, 49, disturbing the peace, $263.50
Duane Jesse Beach, 95, Monroe, improper right turn, $175.30
Lisa Marie Beeman, 35, Beloit, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Randall A. Berg, 49, Argyle, seatbelt violation, $10
Alex Marshall Capesius, 22, Monroe, failing to keep vehicle under control, $213.10
Ashlee L. Cerjak, 26, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Benjamin Michael Chicker, 24, Monticello, driving while suspended, $200.50
Austin D. Colliers, 18, Monroe, possessing drug paraphernalia, $200.50
Austin D. Colliers, 18, Monroe, possessing marijuana, $389.50
John F. Daehlin, 77, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Alexa H. Dash, 20, Winslow, driving too fast for conditions, $213.10
Kenan Paige Durrance, 26, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Kenan Paige Durrance, 26, Monroe, failing to apply for Wisconsin license within 60 days, $162.70
Deontae S. Dye, 26, Freeport, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Helen E. Endres, 84, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Haleigh Jordan Falsey, 18, Argyle, driving while suspended, $200.50
Brandon J. Fischer, 29, Orangeville, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Brandon J. Fischer, 29, Orangeville, driving while suspended, $200.50
Matthew Ryan Fisher, 17, Brodhead, seatbelt violation, $10
Matthew Ryan Fisher, 17, Brodhead, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Kiley C. Flynn, 17, Winslow, curfew violation, $200.50
Marie J. Frandy, 60, Albany driving vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, driving without valid license, $200.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, contributing to truancy, $200.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, truancy, $263.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, contributing to truancy, $263.50
Tammy S. Gentry, 17, Monroe, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Curtis John Gerber, 31, disorderly conduct, $326.50
Melissa L. Graven, 27, Monroe, disorderly conduct, $326.50
Faith M. Guerra, 17, Monroe, truancy, $200.50
Jessie L. Hanson, 34, Monroe, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Jessie L. Hanson, 34, Monroe, red traffic light violation, $200.50
Nicole E. Harding, 26, Monroe, driving while suspended, $200.50
Nicole E. Harding, 26, Monroe, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
James Min Jiang, 46, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Ryan Adam Johnson, 24, South Wayne, failing to keep vehicle under control, $213.10
Ryan Adam Johnson, 24, South Wayne, driving with a prohibited alcohol concentration, DOT license revoked nine months, ignition interlock, alcohol assessment, $950.50
Jace Michael Johnsrud, 21, Monroe, driving while suspended, $200.50
Jace Michael Johnsrud, 21, Monroe, driving vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Michael W. Kaderly, 46, Monroe, improper stop at stop sign-clear line, $175.30
Jessica Rose Keehn, 32, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Aaron B. Kesler, 18, Brodhead, possessing marijuana, $263.50
Todd J. Kint, 45, Monroe, vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Todd J. Kint, 45, Monroe, driving while suspended, $200.50
Todd J. Kint, 45, Monroe, driving after revocation/suspension of registration, $175.30
Jessica A. Kohl, 29, Gratiot, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Jeffrey S. Liner, 49, Elkhorn, speeding, $175.30
Jeffrey S. Liner, 49, Elkhorn, reckless driving, $389.50
Linda L. Longley, 49, Rockford, improper signal for stop/turn, $162.70
April L. Lutz, 32, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Dewayne Walter Moss, 27, Monroe, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Ashley R. Neuenschwander, 18, Monroe, possessing marijuana, $263.50
Ashley R. Neuenschwander, 18, Monroe, curfew violation, $200.50
William M. Osbaugh, 20, Monroe, possessing marijuana, $263.50
William M. Osbaugh, 20, Monroe, possessing drug paraphernalia, $200.50
Casey M. Parkinson, 31, Monroe, driving unregistered vehicle, $200.50
Lacey Lynn Pearson, 30, Monroe, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Tyler J. Peterson, 21, Monroe, excessive acceleration/ squealing of tires, $200.50
Tyler J. Peterson, 21, Monroe, improper/ prohibited tire equipment, $150.10
Shelby A. Pitman, 21, Monroe, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Caryl K. Plantikow, 72, Monroe, failing to yield right of way from stop sign, $175.30
Crystal M. Richards, 30, Brodhead, driving while suspended, $200.50
Brenda J. Ritschard, 52, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Kristi Michelle Rose, 30, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
David M. Rosebrook, 42, Argyle, failing to notify police of accident, $389.50
Travis R. Ruchti, 26, Monroe, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Emily M. Rush, 31, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Emily M. Rush, 31, Monroe, driving vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Maria Del Salazar-Trujillo, 27, Linden, driving while suspended, $200.50
Maria Del Salazar-Trujillo, 27, Linden, failing to stop at stop sign, $175.30
Alexander James Santoro, 18, Monroe, driving while suspended, DOT license revoked six months, $200.50
Erica N. Schmid, 32, Juda, non-registration of vehicle, $143.80
Briana Rae Schoville, 16, Monroe, speeding, $213.10
Briana Rae Schoville, 16, Monroe, failing to obey traffic officer signal/order, $175.30
Danielle M. Schwarz, 27, Brodhead, driving while suspended, $200.50
Danielle M. Schwarz, 27, Brodhead, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Laurel L. Teasdale, 43, Monroe, driving vehicle without insurance, $200.50
Laurel L. Teasdale, 43, Monroe, driving while suspended, $200.50
Jon L. Wagner, 70, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Chad R. Walmer, 41, Monroe, seatbelt violation, $10
Taylor M. Watson, 21, Stockton, Ill., non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Brian J. Witt, 51, Cottage Grove, driving vehicle without proof of insurance, $10
Jennifer R. Wright, 24, Freeport, non-registration of vehicle, $175.30
Daniel D. Wyttenbach, 39, Blanchardville, speedometer violations , $175.30
Kamille Marie Zuehlke, 46, Albany, seatbelt violation, $10