John N. Ambrose, 43, Monroe, failure to notify police of an accident, $249
Stephanie L. Babcock, 18, Rock City, Ill., driving too fast for conditions, $198.60
Lisa R. Beaver, 37, Monroe, failure to stop at a stop sign, $160.80
Clifford A. Bennett, 57, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Lance G. Beutel, 18, Argyle, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Brandon J. Byrne, 18, Monroe, speeding, $186
Lloyd M. Carson, 75, Monroe, failure to yield while making a turn, $160.80
Austin C. Cheeney, 20, Lena, Ill., misuse registration plates, $223.80
Austin C. Cheeney, 20, Lena, Ill., non-registration of a vehicle, $249
Ricky L. Cook, 28, Monroe, drunken driving, $816.50
Megan R. Elet, 19, Albany, second-offense driving after suspension, $186
Jacob R. Elmer, 24, Davis, Ill., drunken driving, $667
Kevin C. Genthe, 44, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Michael D. Gunday, 20, Monroe, failure to yield the right of way, $160.80
Joel A. Hale, 34, New Glarus, driving after suspension, $186
Nicole E. Harding, 19, Brodhead, driving without a valid license, $186
Jeremy L. Heins, 24, Montfort, driving after suspension, $186
Sherry L. Holmes, 46, Orangeville, Ill., seat belt violation, $10
Sherry L. Holmes, 46, Orangeville, Ill., passing vehicle indicating left turn, $160.80
Heather R. Jenisek, 24, Monroe, driving after revocation, $249
Heather R. Jenisek, 24, Monroe, third-offense driving after suspension, $186
Angela M. Johnson, 33, Monroe, failure to stop for flashing signal, $148.20
Barry J. Junk, 23, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $135.60
Joseph M. Keeran, 23, Monroe, driving after revocation, $249
Tabitha M. Klassy, 29, Monroe, seat belt violation, $10
Scott T. Kline, 16, Monroe, violate GDL restrictions, $186
Lauren M. Knox, 18, Monroe, improper signal, $160.80
Jordan J. Knox, 18, Monroe, seat belt violation, $10
Jodi L. Krieg Shover, 33, Monticello, unsafe backing, $160.80
Roberta R. Krueger, 43, Monroe, speedometer violation, $10
Travis J. Manning-Konstan, 17, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Ciro Martinez Olmos, 24, Monroe, driving without a valid license, $186
Ciro Martinez Olmos, 24, Monroe, failure to yield the right of way, $160.80
Janet M. Myer, 30, Monticello, seat belt violation, $10
Samantha J. Neuenschwander, 17, Browntown, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Irving G. Newman, 78, Monroe, seat belt violation, $10
Brian J. Obert, 36, Winslow, Ill., failure to yield, $160.80
Larry S. Parmer, 26, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Terry A. Paschal, 31, Monroe, driving after revocation, $160.80
Andrew T. Phillips, 31, Cedarville, Ill., speedometer violations, $160.80
Amy S. Powers, 32, Orangeville, Ill., failure to yield, $160.80
Brandon S. Richardson, 18, Monroe, speeding, $160.80
Brandon S. Richardson, 18, Monroe, speeding, $186
Kelsey M. Rients, 17, Monroe, improper signal, $186
Shawn M. Roper, 22, Carpentersville, Ill., non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Shawn M. Roper, 22, Carpentersville, Ill., speeding, $160.80
Gregory D. Rousch Jr., 41, Monroe, driving after revocation, $249
Yvonne F. Ruhland, 36, Albany, failure to stop at a stop sign, $160.80
Brian L. Schmidt, 25, Orangeville, open intoxicants, $186
Timothy J. Schwartz, 22, Monroe, speeding, $160.80
Dennis C. Siegel, 36, Monroe, driving after revocation, $160.80
Samuel D. Sink, 16, Monroe, speeding, $211.20
Travis D. Skattum, 23, Argyle, speeding, $160.80
Danny L. Stilson, 39, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Norman J. Wells, 41, Monroe, speeding, $160.80
Logan L. Wenger, 16, Monroe, improper passing of a school bus, $217.50
Lenny J. Wilde, 39, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Jennifer K. Williams, 41, Beloit, windows not reasonably clean, $160.80
Stephanie L. Babcock, 18, Rock City, Ill., driving too fast for conditions, $198.60
Lisa R. Beaver, 37, Monroe, failure to stop at a stop sign, $160.80
Clifford A. Bennett, 57, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Lance G. Beutel, 18, Argyle, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Brandon J. Byrne, 18, Monroe, speeding, $186
Lloyd M. Carson, 75, Monroe, failure to yield while making a turn, $160.80
Austin C. Cheeney, 20, Lena, Ill., misuse registration plates, $223.80
Austin C. Cheeney, 20, Lena, Ill., non-registration of a vehicle, $249
Ricky L. Cook, 28, Monroe, drunken driving, $816.50
Megan R. Elet, 19, Albany, second-offense driving after suspension, $186
Jacob R. Elmer, 24, Davis, Ill., drunken driving, $667
Kevin C. Genthe, 44, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Michael D. Gunday, 20, Monroe, failure to yield the right of way, $160.80
Joel A. Hale, 34, New Glarus, driving after suspension, $186
Nicole E. Harding, 19, Brodhead, driving without a valid license, $186
Jeremy L. Heins, 24, Montfort, driving after suspension, $186
Sherry L. Holmes, 46, Orangeville, Ill., seat belt violation, $10
Sherry L. Holmes, 46, Orangeville, Ill., passing vehicle indicating left turn, $160.80
Heather R. Jenisek, 24, Monroe, driving after revocation, $249
Heather R. Jenisek, 24, Monroe, third-offense driving after suspension, $186
Angela M. Johnson, 33, Monroe, failure to stop for flashing signal, $148.20
Barry J. Junk, 23, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $135.60
Joseph M. Keeran, 23, Monroe, driving after revocation, $249
Tabitha M. Klassy, 29, Monroe, seat belt violation, $10
Scott T. Kline, 16, Monroe, violate GDL restrictions, $186
Lauren M. Knox, 18, Monroe, improper signal, $160.80
Jordan J. Knox, 18, Monroe, seat belt violation, $10
Jodi L. Krieg Shover, 33, Monticello, unsafe backing, $160.80
Roberta R. Krueger, 43, Monroe, speedometer violation, $10
Travis J. Manning-Konstan, 17, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Ciro Martinez Olmos, 24, Monroe, driving without a valid license, $186
Ciro Martinez Olmos, 24, Monroe, failure to yield the right of way, $160.80
Janet M. Myer, 30, Monticello, seat belt violation, $10
Samantha J. Neuenschwander, 17, Browntown, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Irving G. Newman, 78, Monroe, seat belt violation, $10
Brian J. Obert, 36, Winslow, Ill., failure to yield, $160.80
Larry S. Parmer, 26, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Terry A. Paschal, 31, Monroe, driving after revocation, $160.80
Andrew T. Phillips, 31, Cedarville, Ill., speedometer violations, $160.80
Amy S. Powers, 32, Orangeville, Ill., failure to yield, $160.80
Brandon S. Richardson, 18, Monroe, speeding, $160.80
Brandon S. Richardson, 18, Monroe, speeding, $186
Kelsey M. Rients, 17, Monroe, improper signal, $186
Shawn M. Roper, 22, Carpentersville, Ill., non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Shawn M. Roper, 22, Carpentersville, Ill., speeding, $160.80
Gregory D. Rousch Jr., 41, Monroe, driving after revocation, $249
Yvonne F. Ruhland, 36, Albany, failure to stop at a stop sign, $160.80
Brian L. Schmidt, 25, Orangeville, open intoxicants, $186
Timothy J. Schwartz, 22, Monroe, speeding, $160.80
Dennis C. Siegel, 36, Monroe, driving after revocation, $160.80
Samuel D. Sink, 16, Monroe, speeding, $211.20
Travis D. Skattum, 23, Argyle, speeding, $160.80
Danny L. Stilson, 39, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Norman J. Wells, 41, Monroe, speeding, $160.80
Logan L. Wenger, 16, Monroe, improper passing of a school bus, $217.50
Lenny J. Wilde, 39, Monroe, non-registration of a vehicle, $160.80
Jennifer K. Williams, 41, Beloit, windows not reasonably clean, $160.80