Permittee: Edelweiss Creamery, LLC, N890 Twin Grove Road, Monroe, WI 53566
Facility Where Discharge Occurs: Edelweiss Creamery, LLC, NEQ NEQ SEC 16 T3N R7E, W6117 County Hwy. C
Receiving Water and Location: Groundwaters of the Sugar Pecatonica River basin
Brief Facility Description and Summary of Proposed Changes: Edelweiss Creamery, LLC is a small dairy processing facility located west of Monticello. Typically, the dairy processes about 60,000 Lbs. of milk per day but can go as high as 75,000 lbs per day. Process wastewater is directed to two different land treatment systems, a 2-acre Ridge & Furrow System and spray irrigation field system. The facility no longer land applies dairy wash water. Sample Point number 001 has been inactivated and discharge to land application sites is not authorized under this permit. The Department found the facility to be in substantial compliance with their current permit. Flow date sample frequency, sample type and limits updated. Maximum intensity removed from the Daily log.
Permit Drafter: Jennifer Jerich, DNR, Horicon Service Center, N7725 Hwy 28, Horicon, WI 53032, (920) 387-7886,
Basin Engineer: Nathan Wells, DNR, 3911 Fish Hatchery Road, Fitchburg, WI 53711, (608) 275-3474,
The Department has tentatively decided that the above specified WPDES permit should be reissued.
Persons wishing to comment on or object to the proposed permit action, or to request a public hearing, may write to the Department of Natural Resources at the permit drafter's address. All comments or suggestions received no later than 30 days after the publication date of this public notice will be considered along with other information on file in making a final decision regarding the permit. Anyone providing comments in response to this public notice will receive a notification of the Department's final decision when the permit is issued.
The Department may schedule a public informational hearing if requested by any person and shall schedule an informational hearing if a petition requesting a hearing is received from 5 or more persons or if response to this notice indicates significant public interest pursuant to s. 283.49, Stats. Information on requesting a hearing is at the above web link.
Limitations and conditions which the Department believes adequately protect the receiving water are included in the proposed permit.
Information on file for this permit action, including the draft permit, fact sheet and permit application, may be reviewed on the internet at the above web link or may be inspected and copied at the permit drafter's office during office hours. Information on this permit may also be obtained by calling the permit drafter or by writing to the Department. Reasonable costs (15 cents per page for copies and 7 cents per page for scanning) will be charged for information in the file other than the public notice, permit and fact sheet. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodation, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be made to qualified individuals upon request.
(April 4, 2018)
Permittee: Edelweiss Creamery, LLC, N890 Twin Grove Road, Monroe, WI 53566
Facility Where Discharge Occurs: Edelweiss Creamery, LLC, NEQ NEQ SEC 16 T3N R7E, W6117 County Hwy. C
Receiving Water and Location: Groundwaters of the Sugar Pecatonica River basin
Brief Facility Description and Summary of Proposed Changes: Edelweiss Creamery, LLC is a small dairy processing facility located west of Monticello. Typically, the dairy processes about 60,000 Lbs. of milk per day but can go as high as 75,000 lbs per day. Process wastewater is directed to two different land treatment systems, a 2-acre Ridge & Furrow System and spray irrigation field system. The facility no longer land applies dairy wash water. Sample Point number 001 has been inactivated and discharge to land application sites is not authorized under this permit. The Department found the facility to be in substantial compliance with their current permit. Flow date sample frequency, sample type and limits updated. Maximum intensity removed from the Daily log.
Permit Drafter: Jennifer Jerich, DNR, Horicon Service Center, N7725 Hwy 28, Horicon, WI 53032, (920) 387-7886,
Basin Engineer: Nathan Wells, DNR, 3911 Fish Hatchery Road, Fitchburg, WI 53711, (608) 275-3474,
The Department has tentatively decided that the above specified WPDES permit should be reissued.
Persons wishing to comment on or object to the proposed permit action, or to request a public hearing, may write to the Department of Natural Resources at the permit drafter's address. All comments or suggestions received no later than 30 days after the publication date of this public notice will be considered along with other information on file in making a final decision regarding the permit. Anyone providing comments in response to this public notice will receive a notification of the Department's final decision when the permit is issued.
The Department may schedule a public informational hearing if requested by any person and shall schedule an informational hearing if a petition requesting a hearing is received from 5 or more persons or if response to this notice indicates significant public interest pursuant to s. 283.49, Stats. Information on requesting a hearing is at the above web link.
Limitations and conditions which the Department believes adequately protect the receiving water are included in the proposed permit.
Information on file for this permit action, including the draft permit, fact sheet and permit application, may be reviewed on the internet at the above web link or may be inspected and copied at the permit drafter's office during office hours. Information on this permit may also be obtained by calling the permit drafter or by writing to the Department. Reasonable costs (15 cents per page for copies and 7 cents per page for scanning) will be charged for information in the file other than the public notice, permit and fact sheet. Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodation, including the provision of informational material in an alternative format, will be made to qualified individuals upon request.
(April 4, 2018)