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Green County Board: June 10, 2009
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On Tuesday, June 10, the Green County Board of Supervisors:

• Transferred $65,567 from the circuit court budget to the human services budget for the juvenile intake office, which was transferred from the court to the human services department in December. The remaining $74,633 budgeted for juvenile intake was transferred to the general fund. The lesser amount for the juvenile intake office was due to fewer overtime hours and mileage reimbursements.

• Combined hours for two disability benefits specialist positions at 20 hours a week to one position at 40 hours per week. Several years ago the positions were split up and Green County Human Services Director Greg Holcomb asked that the positions be combined.

• Approved a judicial assistant position for the Second Branch Circuit Court Judge.

• Approved an application for a $10,000 grant to promote food and beverages in Green County at the Bounty of Green County event in September.

• Adopted a resolution to oppose a reduction in delinquent property tax interest rates. The reduction proposed by the state would reduce the rate for interest paid from 1 percent to 0.5 percent. It would cost the county about $88,000 in revenue. A copy of the resolution will be sent to Gov. Jim Doyle, Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Waunakee, and Rep. Brett Davis, R-Oregon.

• Appointed Cara Carper of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, to act as chairman of the census committee to help count county residents for the 2010 U.S. Census. No one has been appointed to the committee.

• Heard an annual report from Green County Development Corporation Coordinator Anna Schramke.

- Brian Gray