MONROE - In a meeting Tuesday, the City of Monroe Common Council:
Set a public hearing meeting date of Nov. 18 for rezoning of property at 419 21st Street from light industrial (M-1) to medium density residential (R-2).
Set a public hearing date of Nov. 18 for rezoning two commercial properties along 4th Avenue West from light industrial (M-1) to general business district (B-2).
Approved a special event for the Monroe Main Street Halloween parade and concert in the downtown from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Oct. 31. The parade requires temporary street closings. The concert will take place on the courthouse steps immediately after the parade, without street closings.
Approved Trick or Treat hours in the City of Monroe from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 31.
Approved for payment claims in the amount of $703,402.82.
Approved a mutual aid agreement between Green County EMS Inc. and Monroe Fire Department.
Ratified the contract with Monroe Professional Police Association (sworn officers) for the period Jan. 1, 2008, to Dec. 31, 2010.
Granted electrical contractor license to Amber Electric-Michael Katalinich.
Granted operator licenses to Douglas B. Adrian and Katelyn A. Elsasser.
All votes were unanimous. Alderman Mark Coplien was absent.
MONROE - In a meeting Tuesday, the City of Monroe Public Property Committee:
Approved a transfer of right of way, if necessary, toward approval of a deed of property for Woodford Bank for its expansion project. A quit claim deed was requested, but committee members could not verify whether it could be done, until a right of way was cleared.
Recommended to Council to approve the sale of a strip of land, about 3,700 square feet, near Willow Way detention pond, east of Twining Park, to adjoining property owners. An addition to the home had come about six inches onto the city's property. The cost of land, certified map and closing costs, comes to about $8,200.
Set a public hearing meeting date of Nov. 18 for rezoning of property at 419 21st Street from light industrial (M-1) to medium density residential (R-2).
Set a public hearing date of Nov. 18 for rezoning two commercial properties along 4th Avenue West from light industrial (M-1) to general business district (B-2).
Approved a special event for the Monroe Main Street Halloween parade and concert in the downtown from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Oct. 31. The parade requires temporary street closings. The concert will take place on the courthouse steps immediately after the parade, without street closings.
Approved Trick or Treat hours in the City of Monroe from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 31.
Approved for payment claims in the amount of $703,402.82.
Approved a mutual aid agreement between Green County EMS Inc. and Monroe Fire Department.
Ratified the contract with Monroe Professional Police Association (sworn officers) for the period Jan. 1, 2008, to Dec. 31, 2010.
Granted electrical contractor license to Amber Electric-Michael Katalinich.
Granted operator licenses to Douglas B. Adrian and Katelyn A. Elsasser.
All votes were unanimous. Alderman Mark Coplien was absent.
MONROE - In a meeting Tuesday, the City of Monroe Public Property Committee:
Approved a transfer of right of way, if necessary, toward approval of a deed of property for Woodford Bank for its expansion project. A quit claim deed was requested, but committee members could not verify whether it could be done, until a right of way was cleared.
Recommended to Council to approve the sale of a strip of land, about 3,700 square feet, near Willow Way detention pond, east of Twining Park, to adjoining property owners. An addition to the home had come about six inches onto the city's property. The cost of land, certified map and closing costs, comes to about $8,200.