MONROE - In a meeting Wednesday, the City of Monroe Finance and Taxation Committee:
Authorized purchase of a $500 sustaining membership to National Historic Cheesemaking Center. The funds will be paid out of the city's marketing account.
Approved transfer of $3,530 to Senior Center Capital Account for future equipment purchases.
Discussed and authorized purchase of state-mandated traffic signs and posts for streetscape area in the amount of $8,088 using TID 7 funds. The approved signage does not include street signs, way-finding signs and other signage.
Discussed and authorized purchase of 40 flower planters for streetscape area for about $10,611 using TID 7 funds. Costs for the pots will deviate from estimates because of changes in freight and corporate price adjustments
Discussed and recommended to council to hire Johnson & Block to perform water department audit at a cost of $5,500.
Discussed and recommended to council to approve a resolution authorizing a three-year equipment lease with Chase Equipment Finance, Inc. for four Dodge Charger police vehicles. The principal amount is $67,612, The lease is a financial arrangement in lieu of a loan from the company, which Police Chief Fred Kelley said the city is not authorized to make.
Authorized Rob Jacobson, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Technological Improvement Committee, to send out requests for proposals for technical services.
Reviewed and authorized Ad Hoc Technological Improvement Committee to move forward with plans to upgrade City Hall computer network wiring.
Reviewed proposals from outside firms to assist city with work to amend TID 6 for renewal in September. Committee postponed any action pending more information from the firms.
Discussed general obligation bonding for proposed west side fire station and unanimously agreed upon one of two financing options.
Recommended to council to approve the following resolutions: Initial resolution authorizing $950,000 general obligation bonds for the construction of an engine house; resolution providing for the sale of not to exceed $950,000 general obligation engine house bonds.
Authorized purchase of a $500 sustaining membership to National Historic Cheesemaking Center. The funds will be paid out of the city's marketing account.
Approved transfer of $3,530 to Senior Center Capital Account for future equipment purchases.
Discussed and authorized purchase of state-mandated traffic signs and posts for streetscape area in the amount of $8,088 using TID 7 funds. The approved signage does not include street signs, way-finding signs and other signage.
Discussed and authorized purchase of 40 flower planters for streetscape area for about $10,611 using TID 7 funds. Costs for the pots will deviate from estimates because of changes in freight and corporate price adjustments
Discussed and recommended to council to hire Johnson & Block to perform water department audit at a cost of $5,500.
Discussed and recommended to council to approve a resolution authorizing a three-year equipment lease with Chase Equipment Finance, Inc. for four Dodge Charger police vehicles. The principal amount is $67,612, The lease is a financial arrangement in lieu of a loan from the company, which Police Chief Fred Kelley said the city is not authorized to make.
Authorized Rob Jacobson, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Technological Improvement Committee, to send out requests for proposals for technical services.
Reviewed and authorized Ad Hoc Technological Improvement Committee to move forward with plans to upgrade City Hall computer network wiring.
Reviewed proposals from outside firms to assist city with work to amend TID 6 for renewal in September. Committee postponed any action pending more information from the firms.
Discussed general obligation bonding for proposed west side fire station and unanimously agreed upon one of two financing options.
Recommended to council to approve the following resolutions: Initial resolution authorizing $950,000 general obligation bonds for the construction of an engine house; resolution providing for the sale of not to exceed $950,000 general obligation engine house bonds.