Celebrating our Past: Green County Historical Society It is believed that this photo was taken in1969 in front of the former Waffle Shop, owned by Cliff and Dorothy Reasa. Mr. Reasa was running for mayor of Monroe, an office that he filled from April 8, 1970 through April 3, 1984. Besides Mr. Reasa, people who have been identified in this photo are Emma Graber, Marie Siegenthaler, Christine Klassy, Ruth Friske, Margaret Hartwig, Barbara Dalton, June Heinzelman, Vicki Wilde, Cathy Hayes, Kenneth Hartwig, Paul Urban, Mary Motz, Sandy Wilde, Chris Thomm, Sue Anderson, Jody Wegmueller, and Susanne Burkhard. If you can identify any of the other people in the photo, or if you are sure that one of the people named is not in the photo, please contact Matt at mfigi48@tds.net or 608-325-6503. (Photo supplied by Green County Historical Society)