Age: 62
City/town of residence: Cross Plains
Family: Widow, one adult daughter
Education: Attended Madison Area Technical College and Edgewood College
Occupation: Current State Representative, 79th Assembly District
What are the top issues facing this district and how would you work to resolve them?
The single biggest issue facing the 80th Assembly District and every district in the state is improving the economy and creating jobs. The main divide between Republicans and Democrats is how exactly we accomplish that goal. I believe that if we improve our communities and build a strong and well-educated workforce, Wisconsin can begin to improve our economic outlook while helping guarantee our continued success. Earmarking funding to corporate special interests, as Republican leaders have done over the last two years has not been working as our state continues to be in the bottom 10 states in the nation for job creation.
What are other key issues facing the district, and how would you work to resolve them?
In conjunction with improving our economy, we must prioritize funding for our education system - both K-12 and higher education. Without a skilled workforce, we cannot attract the kind of companies that will provide Wisconsin with the good-paying jobs our state desperately needs. Additionally, our school funding formula needs to be updated to reflect the 21st century needs our schools face.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
Having spent the past 10 years building relationships to effectively work for the interests of this district, I am well positioned to continue advocating on their behalf. I cannot promise that I can change the culture of Wisconsin politics, but I will continue to work to break through the gridlock on issues like school funding and campaign finance reform - issues I feel cut across party lines. I will continue to keep an open door and represent the desires of my constituents and will do so with the integrity that they expect and deserve.
City/town of residence: Cross Plains
Family: Widow, one adult daughter
Education: Attended Madison Area Technical College and Edgewood College
Occupation: Current State Representative, 79th Assembly District
What are the top issues facing this district and how would you work to resolve them?
The single biggest issue facing the 80th Assembly District and every district in the state is improving the economy and creating jobs. The main divide between Republicans and Democrats is how exactly we accomplish that goal. I believe that if we improve our communities and build a strong and well-educated workforce, Wisconsin can begin to improve our economic outlook while helping guarantee our continued success. Earmarking funding to corporate special interests, as Republican leaders have done over the last two years has not been working as our state continues to be in the bottom 10 states in the nation for job creation.
What are other key issues facing the district, and how would you work to resolve them?
In conjunction with improving our economy, we must prioritize funding for our education system - both K-12 and higher education. Without a skilled workforce, we cannot attract the kind of companies that will provide Wisconsin with the good-paying jobs our state desperately needs. Additionally, our school funding formula needs to be updated to reflect the 21st century needs our schools face.
Why are you the best candidate for this office?
Having spent the past 10 years building relationships to effectively work for the interests of this district, I am well positioned to continue advocating on their behalf. I cannot promise that I can change the culture of Wisconsin politics, but I will continue to work to break through the gridlock on issues like school funding and campaign finance reform - issues I feel cut across party lines. I will continue to keep an open door and represent the desires of my constituents and will do so with the integrity that they expect and deserve.