Age: no answer
Address: 1016 19th Ave.
Occupation/Employer: Project manager, Minhas Craft Brewery
Community involvement: no answer
Education: no answer
Previous experience and achievements (in government or other entities): no answer
1) What have you done to prepare yourself to become a city councilman?
My preparation for the 2012 election started April 7, 2010. That was the day after I came just short of winning the chair for Alderman of Ward 7. I agree that with a better effort prior to that election the results would have been different. History will not repeat itself in 2012. I have attended almost every council meeting since the last election. I have also attended other committee meetings, including the Finance and Taxation Committee (budgetary issues) and the Ad Hoc Committee for Restructuring Government (a think tank for exploring cost-saving ideas) ... To function smoothly, a city administrator, mayor, police chief, council members, various department heads, and a multitude of other staff need a cooperative effort to function effectively. Communication is an important tool, and I have already been cultivating relations with many of these individuals ... Making sound decisions involves educating yourself on the issues. I have obtained copies of the budget every year since 2010.
2) Aldermen and the mayor work closely together and with the city administrator and other city employees, as well as the public. How would you describe your personality and management style?
Negativity and personal attacks are neither a personality trait I possess nor a management style I find productive. As Production Manager at Minhas Craft Brewery, when problems arise, my goal is to identify the problem(s) and work toward a solution. Pointing fingers and assigning blame should not be the first reaction for solving a problem. In any situation, the first question I ask myself is, "What could I have done to make this situation better?"
3) Council members are charged with the duty of hiring and firing city employees, as well as negotiating with their unions for salary and wage increases and benefits, such as vacation time and sick leave. It is of public interest to know, how much in the way of campaign contributions you have received from city employees? Would you accept any?
Accepting contributions from within the city organization could pose a conflict of interest; this would not be a wise course of action and I would decline. I have not received any campaign contribution from city employees.
4) What should be the policy of allowing the public to speak at council meetings? Department heads? Other employees? Without advanced notice on the agenda?
Freedom to discuss thoughts and ideas is an integral component to the foundation of government. Allowing segments of the City Council meetings for this expression should be maintained. Guidelines should be adhered to in order to maintain a level of order at meetings. Recent comments by one of the alderpersons has pushed the limit of appropriateness as it was more of a statement for self political gain at the expense of others; I do not believe council meetings should be a forum for political advancement nor do I believe this is the intent of an open forum.
5) The city is in the midst of determining its continued use of the Green County landfill/ transfer station, and whether to buy new trucks and trash bins to continue collecting residential trash as a city service or to hire a private company for the service. What do you believe would be the city's best decision on these issues? How much should the city consider the effects its decisions have on other communities that use the county landfill transfer station?
I have yet to fully research this issue, and I will need to address the following concerns prior to formulating an opinion of what I feel is best for Monroe: Impact on jobs; what option is the most cost effective; what is the capital investment cost for trucks and bins; how would the city finance this initial capital investment; if the landfill (transfer station) were to be closed, what are the implications regarding reopening the landfill?
The Green County landfill's future will have impact on other communities, and I do believe they should be included in any discussions and decisions.
6) Would you encourage the city to use Zero Based Budgeting? (This would require every line item of the budget to be approved, rather than only changes; the amount of money approved for expenditures is based on actual need instead of an automatic increase from the year before. This requires a thorough review process of every item with no reference to previous level of expenditure.)
Yes, expenditures should be based on actual need; to blindly provide automatic increases every year does not provide a proper review of the budget. I don't believe it would be prudent for line item reviews to happen during the final council vote. These budget tasks should take place initially with each department and subsequently in committees reviewing the budget prior to submittal to council. I disagree that the process should be conducted with "no reference to previous expenditures." Information that can be reviewed from the past to provide better future decisions should be utilized.
7) How do you, as a city council member, plan to help facilitate or foster economic growth and development in the city and neighboring communities?
We should work to encourage future growth and not hamper progress with excessive rules and regulations. Additionally, I believe continued relations with Monroe Main Street and the Monroe Chamber of Commerce will work toward this end. One example of potential growth for Monroe is the World Cheese Destination Center. I have attended several meetings for this project and believe the benefits highly outweigh the negative. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase Monroe and Green County.
8) Have you ever failed to pay taxes when you were supposed to (i.e., on time)?
One of the responsibilities of an alderperson should be to look for opportunities to save money - i.e., fiscal responsibility. In January of 2011, I realized an opportunity for my family to save more than $50,000 by refinancing the home mortgage. During the loan transfer process, a miscommunication created a lapse of tax payment which normally was covered by the escrow account. Upon notification of this delinquency, I promptly paid the taxes in full, including penalty due.
Address: 1016 19th Ave.
Occupation/Employer: Project manager, Minhas Craft Brewery
Community involvement: no answer
Education: no answer
Previous experience and achievements (in government or other entities): no answer
1) What have you done to prepare yourself to become a city councilman?
My preparation for the 2012 election started April 7, 2010. That was the day after I came just short of winning the chair for Alderman of Ward 7. I agree that with a better effort prior to that election the results would have been different. History will not repeat itself in 2012. I have attended almost every council meeting since the last election. I have also attended other committee meetings, including the Finance and Taxation Committee (budgetary issues) and the Ad Hoc Committee for Restructuring Government (a think tank for exploring cost-saving ideas) ... To function smoothly, a city administrator, mayor, police chief, council members, various department heads, and a multitude of other staff need a cooperative effort to function effectively. Communication is an important tool, and I have already been cultivating relations with many of these individuals ... Making sound decisions involves educating yourself on the issues. I have obtained copies of the budget every year since 2010.
2) Aldermen and the mayor work closely together and with the city administrator and other city employees, as well as the public. How would you describe your personality and management style?
Negativity and personal attacks are neither a personality trait I possess nor a management style I find productive. As Production Manager at Minhas Craft Brewery, when problems arise, my goal is to identify the problem(s) and work toward a solution. Pointing fingers and assigning blame should not be the first reaction for solving a problem. In any situation, the first question I ask myself is, "What could I have done to make this situation better?"
3) Council members are charged with the duty of hiring and firing city employees, as well as negotiating with their unions for salary and wage increases and benefits, such as vacation time and sick leave. It is of public interest to know, how much in the way of campaign contributions you have received from city employees? Would you accept any?
Accepting contributions from within the city organization could pose a conflict of interest; this would not be a wise course of action and I would decline. I have not received any campaign contribution from city employees.
4) What should be the policy of allowing the public to speak at council meetings? Department heads? Other employees? Without advanced notice on the agenda?
Freedom to discuss thoughts and ideas is an integral component to the foundation of government. Allowing segments of the City Council meetings for this expression should be maintained. Guidelines should be adhered to in order to maintain a level of order at meetings. Recent comments by one of the alderpersons has pushed the limit of appropriateness as it was more of a statement for self political gain at the expense of others; I do not believe council meetings should be a forum for political advancement nor do I believe this is the intent of an open forum.
5) The city is in the midst of determining its continued use of the Green County landfill/ transfer station, and whether to buy new trucks and trash bins to continue collecting residential trash as a city service or to hire a private company for the service. What do you believe would be the city's best decision on these issues? How much should the city consider the effects its decisions have on other communities that use the county landfill transfer station?
I have yet to fully research this issue, and I will need to address the following concerns prior to formulating an opinion of what I feel is best for Monroe: Impact on jobs; what option is the most cost effective; what is the capital investment cost for trucks and bins; how would the city finance this initial capital investment; if the landfill (transfer station) were to be closed, what are the implications regarding reopening the landfill?
The Green County landfill's future will have impact on other communities, and I do believe they should be included in any discussions and decisions.
6) Would you encourage the city to use Zero Based Budgeting? (This would require every line item of the budget to be approved, rather than only changes; the amount of money approved for expenditures is based on actual need instead of an automatic increase from the year before. This requires a thorough review process of every item with no reference to previous level of expenditure.)
Yes, expenditures should be based on actual need; to blindly provide automatic increases every year does not provide a proper review of the budget. I don't believe it would be prudent for line item reviews to happen during the final council vote. These budget tasks should take place initially with each department and subsequently in committees reviewing the budget prior to submittal to council. I disagree that the process should be conducted with "no reference to previous expenditures." Information that can be reviewed from the past to provide better future decisions should be utilized.
7) How do you, as a city council member, plan to help facilitate or foster economic growth and development in the city and neighboring communities?
We should work to encourage future growth and not hamper progress with excessive rules and regulations. Additionally, I believe continued relations with Monroe Main Street and the Monroe Chamber of Commerce will work toward this end. One example of potential growth for Monroe is the World Cheese Destination Center. I have attended several meetings for this project and believe the benefits highly outweigh the negative. This is a wonderful opportunity to showcase Monroe and Green County.
8) Have you ever failed to pay taxes when you were supposed to (i.e., on time)?
One of the responsibilities of an alderperson should be to look for opportunities to save money - i.e., fiscal responsibility. In January of 2011, I realized an opportunity for my family to save more than $50,000 by refinancing the home mortgage. During the loan transfer process, a miscommunication created a lapse of tax payment which normally was covered by the escrow account. Upon notification of this delinquency, I promptly paid the taxes in full, including penalty due.