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Candidate Profile: Kristen Hasse
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Candidate Profiles

The Monroe Times contacted candidates in area races and gave them the opportunity to submit profile information. The following profiles were returned and are published below as they were submitted. Republican Mark Rohloff, Republican Kristen Hasse and Republican Barbara Miller are running unopposed in the Nov. 4 general election.

Kristen Hasse

Position sought: Green County Coroner

Age: 43

City/town of residence: Monroe Township

Family: Husband - Todd; sons - Mitchel and Trevor

Education: Monroe High School Graduate, 3 years of Technical College (Diplomas in Dental Assisting, EMT Specialty, Generals in Nursing)

Occupation: Work full-time for Hasse Surveying and Coroner for Green County

Previous elected positions held: Coroner for Green County

What are the top issues facing this district/board/office and how would you work to resolve them?

n Suicides and accidents that result in the use of drugs and alcohol use.

n Information getting out too quickly to the public by social media

What are other key issues facing the district/board/office, and how would you work to resolve them?

Education to public, P.A.R.T.Y Program, medication drop boxes in county, medication drop-off days and public speaking at different groups as requested.