JANESVILLE — The Blackhawk Technical College District Board will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2022, at 5 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Advanced Manufacturing Training Center in Room 117, 15 Plumb Street, Milton.
Under Special Reports, the Student Representative to the District Board will present a report on student activities; a report will be presented on the Fall 2022 Enrollment; information will be provided on the 2021-22 Outcomes-Based Funding Report.
Under Information/Discussion, the Financial Statement will be reviewed; the President will give his monthly report; an update will be shared on the Public Safety + Transportation Complex project; a discussion will be held regarding the College name change, and staff changes will be reviewed.
The District Board will be requested to approve the Consent Agenda, including the minutes of the regular meeting held on Aug. 17, 2022, approval of current bills, and approval of training contracts negotiated since the last meeting.
Under Action Items, approval of modifications to Fiscal Years 2021-22 and 2022-23 Budget; approvals for the HVAC Apprentice (ABC Wisconsin) and Associate of Applied Science Degree in Welding Fabrication and Robotic new program proposals; and lastly, the selection of a nominee for the 2023 Board Member of the Year Award.
Under Other Business, WTCS Consortium updates will be provided, if any.