NEW GLARUS - The New Glarus Home's newest addition to the campus Glarner Lodge was featured in the Spring 2012 Annual Showcase issue of the Environments for Aging from the publishers of Long Term Living and Health Care Design.
The Glarner Lodge was submitted by the design firm, Community Living Solutions, to be reviewed by a jury of experts in the fields of design, environments for aging, technology, functionality, and links to the larger overall community. The Glarner Lodge was recognized for its stylish design that is modern but incorporates elements of Swiss heritage, and for overcoming some construction and zoning related issues.
The Glarner Lodge was submitted by the design firm, Community Living Solutions, to be reviewed by a jury of experts in the fields of design, environments for aging, technology, functionality, and links to the larger overall community. The Glarner Lodge was recognized for its stylish design that is modern but incorporates elements of Swiss heritage, and for overcoming some construction and zoning related issues.