MONROE - The City of Monroe Salary and Personnel Committee took a first step Tuesday in a search for a new city administrator.
Committe members reviewed the current job description for the position, and determined they wanted very few changes in the next administrator's duties and responsibilities.
The changes included deleting "monitoring workplace safety practices" and "coordinating Safety Committee meetings and workshops." Those duties have been taken by Monroe Fire Department Battalion Chief Josse Allen in his occupation and safety programs.
Various duties in Internet technology will be condensed, and the new administrator will oversee the implementation of the duties. The city has a newly created Ad Hoc Technology Advisory Committee which has assumed most, if not all, of those duties.
The city has agreements with Green County Development Corporation and Monroe Chamber of Commerce and Industry for economic development. The new administrator still will be expected to "assist" and "promote" economic growth, and will work closely with GCDC and MCCI.
The job description retains its duties in the areas of supervisory, development (of city objectives, plans and policies), human resources, communications and financial matters.
The city has been without a city administrator since May 2008.
Committe members reviewed the current job description for the position, and determined they wanted very few changes in the next administrator's duties and responsibilities.
The changes included deleting "monitoring workplace safety practices" and "coordinating Safety Committee meetings and workshops." Those duties have been taken by Monroe Fire Department Battalion Chief Josse Allen in his occupation and safety programs.
Various duties in Internet technology will be condensed, and the new administrator will oversee the implementation of the duties. The city has a newly created Ad Hoc Technology Advisory Committee which has assumed most, if not all, of those duties.
The city has agreements with Green County Development Corporation and Monroe Chamber of Commerce and Industry for economic development. The new administrator still will be expected to "assist" and "promote" economic growth, and will work closely with GCDC and MCCI.
The job description retains its duties in the areas of supervisory, development (of city objectives, plans and policies), human resources, communications and financial matters.
The city has been without a city administrator since May 2008.