MONROE — Monroe Board of Education discussions surrounding elementary configuration culminated May 10 in the vote to phase Abraham Lincoln Elementary into a one-section school. The change will not happen all at once but will be a several-year process that ultimately paves the way for Abe to continue on as a one-section school while district numbers call for such.
Though the vote was unanimous, it was not without much thoughtful consideration and heavy discussion about the future of the district.
“Ultimately, this really does come down to enrollment, it comes down to facilities and it comes down to what makes the most operational sense,” District Administrator Rick Waski said.
Starting with the 2021-22 school year, there will be only one section of kindergarten at Abraham Lincoln. Each year moving forward, a minimum of one grade level will reduce to one section as well.
To potentially expedite the process and ensure that staffing changes are made through attrition, board members also voted in favor of asking the parents of first grade students at Abe if they would like to switch schools. Because of the departure of a second grade teacher at the school, it would be possible to move one of the two first grade teachers to second grade and avoid hiring a new teacher. Waski said that at least ten students would need to switch schools to make that happen and board members voted to ask parents if they would consider the switch.
If at least ten parents agree, first grade can switch to one-section beginning with the 2021-22 school year also.