MONROE - The two candidates in the 80th Assembly District general election will be in Monroe later this month for a forum on issues affecting retirees and senior citizens.
Rep. Brett Davis, R-Oregon, and Democratic challenger John Waelti of Monroe will be at the Monroe Public Library from 10 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 23, for a forum addressing state issues and programs affecting retirees and other senior citizens. The forum will be hosted by the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans and the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups. The League of Women Voters will ask questions of the candidates.
Both Davis and Waelti, who won Tuesday's primary against Monroe Democrat Kris Wisnefske, were asked to put in writing responses to questions. Also, time permitting, the audience will be allowed to ask questions of the candidates.
Rep. Brett Davis, R-Oregon, and Democratic challenger John Waelti of Monroe will be at the Monroe Public Library from 10 to 11 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 23, for a forum addressing state issues and programs affecting retirees and other senior citizens. The forum will be hosted by the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans and the Coalition of Wisconsin Aging Groups. The League of Women Voters will ask questions of the candidates.
Both Davis and Waelti, who won Tuesday's primary against Monroe Democrat Kris Wisnefske, were asked to put in writing responses to questions. Also, time permitting, the audience will be allowed to ask questions of the candidates.