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18 Green County departments over budget
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MONROE - The Pleasant View Nursing Home and Green County Human Services were over budget for 2007, the Green County Finance Committee learned Tuesday.

The two departments are two of 18 county accounts that went over anticipated budgets last year by about $747,000.

Pleasant View Nursing Home Administrator Don Stoor said it's rare that the nursing home goes over budget.

"We usually end up giving money back to the county at the end of the year," Stoor said. "I hope that this is a one-time thing."

Stoor said one of the two main reasons the nursing home was about $380,000 over budget was the write-off of about $110,000 in uncollected accounts.

The accounts have built up over the past five years, Stoor said, because of unpaid reimbursements from the state and federal governments, as well as insurance companies.

Stoor said the nursing home provides services to people and then waits for the state, the federal government and insurance companies to pay.

"We provide the services and then do the billing," Stoor said. "We might not get all of the money, because we find out later the person didn't qualify for all the medical assistance."

He said there also are times when a person is in the nursing home but not all of the costs are paid for, because they've already used up the time they're allotted for nursing home care.

Stoor said another reason for the overage is the fact the nursing home had to use agency nurses to cover for a lack of staff. Stoor said it cost Pleasant View about $138,000 to cover the staffing needs.

Green County Human Services was over budget by about $236,000.

Human Services Director Greg Holcomb said the cost was unexpected care for children.

"It's always a crap shoot when you try to determine how much money you're going to need for some programs," he explained.

Holcomb said the extra expenses were for children placed in group home and for children who needed to be placed in other homes due to neglect or abuse.

"The cost of care continues to rise, but state funding does not," he said.

He said this is the first time in the past three years his department has had to request money to cover expenses. In 2006, his department returned $86,000 to the general fund and returned about $435,000 in 2005.

While the county committee learned some accounts in the county were over budget, it also learned some county departments plan to give money back to the general fund in the amount of $434,000.

The $313,000 difference between the money for over budgeted expenses and the money returned to the general fund will be taken from the county's general fund. Green County Finance Director Rhonda Hunter said the county had $1.140 million in its general fund at the end of 2007.