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Sun sets on the 2020 Green County Fair
Green one of several regional county fairs to cancel plans due to COVID-19 pandemic; Lafayette County Fair still set for July 15-19
fairgrounds fair sumset
A May 28 sunset illuminates the horizon behind the Green County Fairgrounds in Monroe. One week later, fair organizers made the decision to cancel the 2020 county fair, which was to be held July 15 to 19. - photo by Adam Krebs

Editor's note: This is an updated version of a previously published article with added content.

MONROE — The Green County Fair announced June 5 that this year’s event was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s with much disappointment that … this year’s 167th Green County Fair, which was to be held July 15 to 19, 2020, is being canceled,” fair organizers said in a press release.

Green County joined Rock County in Wisconsin and Jo Daviess and Stephenson counties in Illinois to shutter its summer fair. The Lafayette County Fair is still expected to be held July 15 to 19 in Darlington.

“Planning the fair takes a huge investment of time, energy and money. The fair board tries extremely hard to ensure the safety of every person who comes to our grounds every year. But with this year, the feasibility of keeping thousands of our friends and family safe weighed deeply on us,” the statement said. “The difficulties involved in social distancing, potential of only limited numbers allowed in the gates, and the liability involved were just some of the challenges.”

The board also mentioned the economic impact on the area from COVID-19, stating that “many of our sponsors, exhibitors, volunteers and community members are experiencing financial hardship due to the current situation. We felt as a board it was unfair for us to ask for more during this time to sponsor and participate in this event.”

A survey was posted to its Facebook page in late May asking if patrons would attend the fair or stay home out of fear of contracting or spreading COVID-19.

The Green County Ag Chest and area dairy queens have had a 56-year tradition with the fair, according to Rae-Allyn Reeson, who is the Green County Ag Chest Queens Chairperson.

“We did not want a year to go by without giving up to 13 ladies the experience of a lifetime,” Reeson said of the local Dairy Queens. “With fairs being canceled all over the place, along with other events they may not be very busy. But we will do our best with what we are handed. Hopefully as things open up people will remember that The Ag Chest and these young ladies are here to support, promote, and help agriculture in any way they can.”

The Ag Chest will still hold its June 26 judging to determine the Green County Princess and Queen. The winners will be announced during an ice cream social June 27.

With the fair shuttered, a wide variety of people young and old lost opportunities to showcase their skills and abilities. 

The animal barns will be empty without cows, pigs, chickens, rabbits and other animals to show and sell. Local FFA and 4-H youth participants will miss out on a variety of competitions and showing off their crafts. There will be no cheese auctions, and local groups will miss out on raising funds through sales as food and drink vendors. Competitors and patrons of the carnival rides, the demolition derby, rodeo and Brew City Wrestling are also affected.

“For the past five years, the Stars of Brew City Wrestling have been a feature part of the Green County Fair, entertaining in front of those great fans of Monroe,” said Frankie DeFlaco, the Brew City Wrestling owner and promoter. “Hopefully, we will all return in 2021 stronger and healthier.”

World Champions Rodeo Alliance was supposed to take center stage in front of the grandstand on opening night, with the Badger State Tractor Pull on Thursday. BSTP announced the cancelation of its season June 3.

The next Green County Fair is scheduled for July 21-25, 2021.