The Swiss Reformed Church in New Glarus, with the Sunday school building, called the Zwingli House, on the left. The church is located at 18 Fifth Avenue. This is the third church building for this congregation, built in 1900 and dedicated in 1901. The Zwingli House building was dedicated in 1924. In 1937 after a merger of denominations, the Swiss Reformed Church became the Swiss Evangelical & Reformed Church. After a merger with the Congregationalist denomination in 1957, it became the Swiss United Church of Christ.
This photo and many more can be found in the New Glarus and Green County collection at the Wisconsin Digital Collection ( The New Glarus Historical Society Inc. was founded in 1938 to not only preserve the unique history of New Glarus but to share it through the Swiss Historical Village & Museum that it owns and operates. For more information on the history of New Glarus and the museum, please visit: