MONROE - Green County Land and Water Conservation Department is offering eight varieties of hardwood trees and two varieties of shrubs at a discount for landowners interested in planting trees next spring.
The tree varieties are: Bur Oak, Red Oak, White Oak, Black Cherry, Sugar Maple, Shagbark Hickory, Hackberry, and Butternut. Shrubs available include Serviceberry and Hazel Nut. The trees and shrubs will be bare root, 1 to 2 feet tall for Shagbark Hickory, 1.5- to 2-feet tall for the Butternut, 2- to 3 feet tall for the Sugar Maple, Service Berry and Hazel Nut; and 3 To 4 feet for all the others. The cost is $2 per tree - with a minimum order of ten of one species.
The trees and shrubs are all native to the area; and are considered hardwoods. With the variety of species we are offering this year they will cover a broad range of soil types and moistures, from dry to very wet. One unique feature of our tree selection this year is the Butternut tree. It is a very rare tree in our area, but was quite common during settlement times.
It is hard to find in many tree catalogs.
Trees can be ordered by contacting the Land and Water Conservation Department directly by phone and walk-in; or by ordering through the Green County website. If you are unsure about what trees will work in your particular soil, have any questions about the trees contact the Green County Land and Water Conservation Department at 325-4195. We will be taking orders until Friday, Dec. 31.
The tree varieties are: Bur Oak, Red Oak, White Oak, Black Cherry, Sugar Maple, Shagbark Hickory, Hackberry, and Butternut. Shrubs available include Serviceberry and Hazel Nut. The trees and shrubs will be bare root, 1 to 2 feet tall for Shagbark Hickory, 1.5- to 2-feet tall for the Butternut, 2- to 3 feet tall for the Sugar Maple, Service Berry and Hazel Nut; and 3 To 4 feet for all the others. The cost is $2 per tree - with a minimum order of ten of one species.
The trees and shrubs are all native to the area; and are considered hardwoods. With the variety of species we are offering this year they will cover a broad range of soil types and moistures, from dry to very wet. One unique feature of our tree selection this year is the Butternut tree. It is a very rare tree in our area, but was quite common during settlement times.
It is hard to find in many tree catalogs.
Trees can be ordered by contacting the Land and Water Conservation Department directly by phone and walk-in; or by ordering through the Green County website. If you are unsure about what trees will work in your particular soil, have any questions about the trees contact the Green County Land and Water Conservation Department at 325-4195. We will be taking orders until Friday, Dec. 31.