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Sphero: A new kind of robot
Monroe Middle School students enjoy learning to use the Sphero robots provided by the Excellence in Education Fund. Pictured, from left, are Norton Van de Poele, Scott Navarro and Maxwell Thompson. (Photo supplied)
MONROE - Recently some students at the Monroe Middle School have been enjoying the Sphero robotic orbs in their Game Design and Web 2.0 class. Monroe Middle School was able to purchase this technology thanks to the generous grant given to Rae Wellnitz, Business and Information Technology Teacher, by the Excellence in Education Fund in Monroe. The Sphero balls are different from the "robots" you might expect. They are controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth and steered using the Sphero app. Sphero can be programmed as well, without the user having to steer manually. With the word "Sphero" originating from the word "sphere" these robots are naturally spheres. There are many different possibilities with Sphero. You can program it or steer it over and around obstacles. You could create a dazzling color effect or make Sphero dance and zigzag randomly on the floor. Also (and some of the students enjoy this), you can steer the Sphero into battle. Trying to avoid your opponent but also defeat them is a hilarious and difficult task. Monroe Middle School's students are enjoying the Sphero and the many activities they are capable of.