Relay For Life: June 29, 2019 Cancer survivors who participated in the Relay For Life of Green County event were, front row, from left, Debbie Myers, Karen Buck, Susan Schwartzlow, Don Spooner and Evelyn Crooks. Middle row, Laurie Ganshert-Slusser, Carrie Williams, Tammy Miller, Betty Meinert, Janet Cook, Jane Ganshert, Brenda Schooff, Alice Wangnoss and Kay Carter. Back row, Angel Weber, Sue Wild, Marvin Becker, Gerald Kamps and Tami Jacobson. - photo by By Marian Viney The annual Green County Relay for Life event was held June 22 at SLICE in Monroe. Private well drinking water testing available New Orleans TV chef in Paoli this week 65 Years of Family Tradition Local funds offer community grants to South Wayne, BH