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Pennies for hope
Braden Rindys advanced algebra class raised $214.55 through a penny war for the St. Clare Project and the American Red Cross. Pictured, from left, are Cassie Koch, MHS student; Stephanie Wallace, representing the Red Cross; and Rick Breault, MHS student. (Photo supplied)
MONROE - Through two fundraisers, Monroe High School students raised money for survivors of Hurricane Sandy.

The Monroe High School Students of Service Organization and the Introduction to Health Science class teamed together to raise $877.94. Money was raised through a bake sale and a penny war.

The money was donated to the American Red Cross and the St. Clare Project, where students raised money and took in donations of toys and daily supplies for the Sandy survivors. The St. Clare of Assisi parish then shipped out all the supplies.

In the penny war, classes competed against each other by donating loose change for five days. Braden Rindy's advanced algebra class raised $214.55, an average of $7.66 per student. The class was rewarded with a Suisse Haus pizza party.