The Green County Junior Holstein Association had several members attend the annual Wisconsin Junior Holstein Convention, December 27-29 at the Chula Vista Resort in the Wisconsin Dells. Members include Brooke Mueller (Brodhead), Abby Withrow (Brodhead), Ally Judd (New Glarus), Siera McCullough (Juda), Brett Marean (Albany), and Marissa Vosberg (Monroe). Abby Withrow, Brooke Mueller, and Siera McCullough competed in the Dairy Jeopardy contest. In addition, Abby Withrow, Ally Judd, and Siera McCullough competed as a team in the Junior Dairy Bowl contest. Brooke Mueller competed with the Rock County Juniors in the Senior Dairy Bowl contest. Marissa Vosberg helped with the Dairy Bowl contest as a scorekeeper. Siera McCullough won a Production award for one of her cows lifetime milk production and was one of the 10 recipients of the Under 12 award in the state. Brooke Mueller was one of the 14 Younger Distinguished Member award winners. Siera McCullough also won 1st place and peoples choice in the Junior sewing and quilting competition. Brett Marean and Marissa Vosberg received graduation certificates from the Wisconsin Holstein Association. Everyone had a fun and educational weekend and are looking forward to next year’s convention.
— Respectfully submitted by, Siera McCullough Green County Junior Holstein Reporter