DARLINGTON — Due to concerns regarding COVID, and gatherings large enough to make social distancing difficult, the board of directors for the Historical Society has decided to cancel the annual membership meeting usually held in early November.
The meeting is normally a way for members to gather and get updates on activities of the society, including the annual treasurer’s report, membership reports, programs and goals for the coming year. The board has tried to keep the public and members informed via the quarterly society newsletter.
The Museum on Main Street, and the Depot Museum along the tracks in Darlington have continued to be open to visitors. The Depot is closed for the winter, except for hosting Mr. and Mrs. Claus in December after the annual parade Dec. 5.
The Museum concluded with a well-attended Quilt Show showcasing the historical society collection as well as special additions from area quilt guilds and members. Next for the Museum is a Holiday Open House Dec. 17, 1-7 p.m., and Dec. 18, 1-4 p.m. with refreshments, holiday displays and drawings for a choice of prizes. Masks and social distancing will be required.
In 2020, the Museum received some restoration in the form of exterior trim painting and UV Light Blocking window film. In 2021, the building care will continue with tuck-pointing and masonry repair. The Museum lives in a historic building and the historical society prides itself in upkeep to maintain the location for present and future generations of visitors.
The recently renovated community room (lower level) has become the winter home of Darlington’s Chamber Main Street monthly meetings. The lower level is handicap accessible, however, accessing the first floor has always involved stairs. Currently, the society is researching a chair lift that could be added in 2021 to make seeing all of the displays easier, though it will require energetic fundraising to purchase and install.
The society is financially sound thanks to membership dues, bake sale donations, support from DUWI, the Wisconsin Historical Society, Lafayette County Economic Development, special responses to fundraising appeals, and kind local contractors that provided service and repairs at prices a non-profit could afford. If any member is interested in more detail on finances, contact the museum for a copy of the most recent treasurer’s report.
With regard to staffing, the society is always grateful for volunteers to help keep the doors open and the records straight, but there is still have a paid position open. This is a part time position paid by the State of Wisconsin’s WISE program for older workers. There is no heavy lifting and hours are flexible. There are income requirements from the State. If interested, contact the museum for an application or more information.
Another item of business at the annual meeting is election of the board of directors, including the officers. Most of the current board has agreed to stay on for the next year, but two vacancies opened.
The society is always seeking new ideas, different perspectives, and partnerships with area businesses, educational resources, and residents. If interested, or have any direct questions about the annual membership meeting or business of the Historical Society to the Museum, contact the museum at 608-776-8340.