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Kids make art under direction of area student
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MENOMONIE - Kylee Blumer of Albany, majoring in art education, is one of 11 University of Wisconsin-Stout interns working with the Program for Arts Integration for New Teachers (PAINT) this fall.

She is in the arts and crafts Thursday Thrill Seekers program at the Leisure Services Center.

Arts Integration Menomonie is hosting PAINT International on Saturdays at the Mabel Tainter Center for the Arts. AIM is a grant-funded program involving UW-Stout's School of Education, the Menomonie school district and the Mabel Tainter Center for the Arts.

Local children from kindergarten through fifth grade create art under the direction of two UW-Stout art education students while connecting via Skype with children in Letlhakeng, Botswana, Africa, who are working on the same art projects. The children in Botswana connect with those in Menomonie via the Peace Corps in Botswana.

PAINT began in September and continues through Dec. 10. The classes are full with 25 students. The program provides UW-Stout students in art education and early childhood education supervised teaching experience while earning a stipend.