Ben and Tammy Duncan, McConnell, Ill., are the parents of a daughter, Sydney Anne, born June 9, 2011, at Monroe Clinic Hospital, Monroe. She joins a brother, Max, 2. Grandparents are Richard and Shirley Kerr, Lena, and Bill and Barb Duncan, Monroe.
Lee and Heidi Chi, Verona, are parents of a daughter, Arianna YiLian Chi, born on May 11, 2011 at Meriter Hospital, Madison. She joins a brother, Nathaniel, 3. Grandparents are William and Barbara Duncan, Monroe, and Xiangmo Zhou of Hangzhou, China.
Lee and Heidi Chi, Verona, are parents of a daughter, Arianna YiLian Chi, born on May 11, 2011 at Meriter Hospital, Madison. She joins a brother, Nathaniel, 3. Grandparents are William and Barbara Duncan, Monroe, and Xiangmo Zhou of Hangzhou, China.