MONROE - Members of Green County Home and Community Education and Green County 4-H teamed up Feb. 24 for a quilted box workshop at the the Green County Justice Center. With the help of fellow HCE members Mary Ann Stauffacher and Mary Ann Krebs, 4-H leaders Kris Winkler and Lynn Lokken led the 4-H youth in creating a quilted box that can be exhibited later in the home furnishings category at the Green County Fair. All 4-H members who attended were able to complete at least one quilted box project to take home. The 4-H members and other youth in attendance were: Devi Duerst, New Glarus 4-H; Anastasia Lattin, Cheese Country Clovers; Alexis Moen, Browntown Busy Beavers; Mackenzie Ruegsegger and Maddie Ruegsegger, Clarno; and Eden Westphal. For more information about Green County 4-H, visit
HCE, 4-H team up for workshop