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HCE, 4-H team up for workshop
Photo supplied Participants show off their handiwork completed Feb. 24 at the quilted boxes workshop. Shown in front, from left, are Eden Westphal, Maddie Ruegsegger and Mackenzie Ruegsegger. In back are Anastasia Lattin, Alexis Moen and Devi Duerst.
MONROE - Members of Green County Home and Community Education and Green County 4-H teamed up Feb. 24 for a quilted box workshop at the the Green County Justice Center. With the help of fellow HCE members Mary Ann Stauffacher and Mary Ann Krebs, 4-H leaders Kris Winkler and Lynn Lokken led the 4-H youth in creating a quilted box that can be exhibited later in the home furnishings category at the Green County Fair. All 4-H members who attended were able to complete at least one quilted box project to take home. The 4-H members and other youth in attendance were: Devi Duerst, New Glarus 4-H; Anastasia Lattin, Cheese Country Clovers; Alexis Moen, Browntown Busy Beavers; Mackenzie Ruegsegger and Maddie Ruegsegger, Clarno; and Eden Westphal. For more information about Green County 4-H, visit