MONROE - The Democratic Party of Green County hosted its first annual picnic for members and friends July 10 at Twining Park in Monroe.
More than 50 people welcomed public officials and candidates, including U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin; state senators Jon Erpenbach, 27th Senate District, and Janis Ringhand, 15th Senate District; representatives Sondy Pope, 80th Assembly District, and Mark Spreitzer, 45th Assembly District; and Jeff Wright, Democratic candidate for the 51st Assembly District, which includes Monroe and southwestern townships in the county. Wright is assistant superintendent at Sauk Prairie School District and lives with his wife and two children in Plain.
The Green County Democrats also have a booth at the Green County Fair. Candidates for office will be at the booth at various times throughout the fair. More information can be found at The party office is now open at 1114 17th Ave. in Monroe, where campaign signs and materials may be picked up. For office hours, call 608-572-7287.
More than 50 people welcomed public officials and candidates, including U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin; state senators Jon Erpenbach, 27th Senate District, and Janis Ringhand, 15th Senate District; representatives Sondy Pope, 80th Assembly District, and Mark Spreitzer, 45th Assembly District; and Jeff Wright, Democratic candidate for the 51st Assembly District, which includes Monroe and southwestern townships in the county. Wright is assistant superintendent at Sauk Prairie School District and lives with his wife and two children in Plain.
The Green County Democrats also have a booth at the Green County Fair. Candidates for office will be at the booth at various times throughout the fair. More information can be found at The party office is now open at 1114 17th Ave. in Monroe, where campaign signs and materials may be picked up. For office hours, call 608-572-7287.