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Green County 4-H awards, graduation ceremony held
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MONROE - Green County 4-H held its Recognition and Graduation Ceremony July 23 at the Green County Fair. This year's ceremony included the presentation of the following awards and honors: Friend of 4-H Award, 4-H Volunteer of the Year Award, 4-H Lifetime Volunteer Award, 4-H Key Award, 4-H Adult Leaders Scholarship, 4-H Junior Leaders Scholarship, Cindi Miller Memorial Scholarship, 4-H Dog Project Scholarship and 4-H Graduates.

The Friend of 4-H, 4-H Volunteer of the Year, and 4-H Lifetime Volunteer awards were presented to individuals, groups or companies that stood out as supporters of the Green County 4-H program. This year, the Friend of 4-H Award was presented to Minhas Craft Brewery. The 4-H Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to Catherine Kehoe of Monroe and the 4-H Lifetime Volunteer Award was presented to Jeff and Kate Hendrickson of Belleville.

The 4-H Key Award is the highest award a 4-H member can receive in Wisconsin 4-H. It is awarded to youth who have shown consistent growth in their 4-H program, developed leadership ability and been helpful to other members in their club and community. Another requirement for this award is being a 4-H member for at least three years with one year of youth leadership. Sponsors of the Wisconsin 4-H Key Award program include the Wisconsin Farm Bureau and Rural Mutual Insurance Company. The Key Award recipients for this year were Abby Bethke of Cheese Country Clovers, Jacob Elmer and Ben Horn of Jolly Mixers and Morgan Godfrey of Dougherty Creek.

Several scholarships were awarded during the ceremony. The Green County 4-H Adult Leaders scholarship of $500 was awarded to Abby Bethke of Cheese Country Clovers, Vanessa Fortney of Next Generation and Morgan Godfrey of Dougherty Creek. The Green County 4-H Junior Leaders scholarship of $500 was awarded to Shad Hanson of Next Generation.

The Cindi Miller Memorial Scholarship also was awarded during the ceremony. Miller served as a 4-H club organizational leader, adult advisor for the Green County 4-H Junior Leaders and a photography superintendent for over 20 years. She died May 2, 2015. Miller's family established the memorial scholarship to continue sharing her commitment to community involvement and recognizing youth. This year's recipients were Ben Horn and Travis Oliver, both of Jolly Mixers.

The final scholarship that was awarded during the ceremony was the 4-H Dog Project Scholarship, given to Abby Bethke of Cheese Country Clovers.

In addition to the awards and scholarships, this year's Green County 4-H graduates were recognized. These included: Trevor Aebly and McKenzie Montgomery of Browntown Busy Beavers; Rebecca Barr of Dougherty Creek; Abby Bethke of Cheese County Clovers; Alexander Betthauser and Chandler Tarala of New Glarus; Lillian Blumer, Haley Reeson and Bailey Eichelkraut of York; Connor Brauer and Jaena LeGault of New Horizons; Jacob Elmer, Jacob Kind, Travis Oliver and Traiten Gorr of Jolly Mixers; Vanessa Fortney and Brooke Rowe of Next Generation; Morgan Godfrey of Dougherty Creek; Britney Markhardt, Anthony O'Connor, and Rachel Uebelacker of Dayton Dairylanders; Caleb Novak of Clarno; and Haley Schmidt of Young Americans.

For a complete list of scholarships or awards available, check out the Green County UW-Extension website at or call the UW-Extension Office at 608-328-9440.