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Green Co. 4-H Junior Leaders seek to represent every club
The 2016-2017 Green County 4-H Junior Leaders officers are, from left in the front row: Bella Andrews, vice president; Auburn VonKaenel, president; and Averey Marean and Alex Nusbuam, members at large. From left in the back row are Harley Mandel, secretary; Shad Hanson, treasurer; and Royce Brauer, reporter. (Photo supplied)
MONROE - The 4-H Junior Leaders group is a group of older 4-H members who learn independence through decision-making as well as getting to try new things. They work to master new skills, leadership roles and responsibilities that can be used in future careers.

The group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. the last Monday of each month at the UW-Extension in Monroe. New members in sixth grade and up are welcome to join. The club presently is represented by five of the 18 Green County 4-H clubs; one of its goals is to have representation from every club this year.

The group holds one fundraiser a year, which is the Dairy Bar food stand at the Green County Fair. The group also uses the food bar as its major community service project. The group works to provide a large but low-cost variety of food to feed not only 4-H families but also those attending the fair for the entire week of the fair.

Anyone interested in joining the group may contact Ellen Andrews at the UW-Extension office at 608-328-9440.