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Girls Scouts Donate Cookie Share to EMS
girl scouts ems
From left, the scouts enjoying the view inside of an ambulance are seated in the front row, from left, are Annabelle Curl, Bryell Schulz, Signe Anderson, April Thompson, EMS employee-Sarah Olmsted, Jacklyn Kubly, HaLinda Reasa, Ryleigh Brown and Bella Purcell. Second row, standing in back, from left, are Lizzy Murphy, Maggie Jurmu and Sophie Bolton.

Members of Brownie Troop #9009 voted to donate their cookie share boxes to the Emergency Medical Services employees, and were treated with a hands-on tour of their new facility, including a close look at the inside of an ambulance. 

The Girl Scouts Cookie Share program are paid for by customers who would rather donate money than receive a box of cookies. 

Donations from individual customers and troop cookie booths were pooled together and 81 boxes were brought to the EMS on April 23.