MONROE — This is a year of change, and change often calls for adaptations. In Green County Leaders sessions, mental health has come up as a challenge. This challenge has provided increased appreciation for some of Green County’s strengths.
“Participants have shared in discussions that enjoying Green County’s great parks and trails has been beneficial for mental health and managing stress,” said Victoria Solomon. “The pandemic is definitely a unique challenge. For that reason, this year the program has decided to purchase and plant 18 trees in the City of Monroe. Each tree represents a year of the Green County Leaders program. This effort is a way to share that even though there are currently a lot of challenges, there is hope for the future. We are planting trees that will hopefully bring joy to community members now and to future generations.”
The tree planting location and procedure was overseen by Josh Trame, City of Monroe, Parks and Forestry Supervisor. “The trees will be a wonderful addition to our Twining Park area and we are pleased to have partnered with the Green County Leaders to accomplish this task,” said Trame.
Green County Leaders is an educational program where individuals practice leadership skills, deepen their understanding of community issues, and prepare for leadership roles, thereby creating a network of active and visionary individuals who leverage their experience and expertise to benefit their community and local community-based organizations. The program is currently adapting to holding virtual sessions; anyone who lives or works in Green County can participate in a session or view recorded sessions online. Go to for information on the upcoming schedules and registrations.
For more information on the Green County Leaders program, please contact Victoria Solomon at the Extension Green County office at 608-328-9440 or